Chen Chinese Medical - John is a bad guy

Warlord Monger's Avatar
I visited Chen Chinese Medical Center on Santa Monica Blvd recently. A prick named "John" (yeah right) visited on Saturday (6/20/2020). Due to corona, everyone has to sign in and this prick called himself John.

Well, he left the lady with visible black and blue marks. She showed it to me when I arrived. This prick who is aged about 50 and well built (according to the lady) tried to play rough with her even though she said No. Then he hit her and the lady had to kick his punk ass out.

Look guys- some girls (college girls in my opinion) really love it when you are alpha. Some woman HATE it. Your job is to respect other's wishes. Find a different girl. Simple.

There is video recording of your face but of course the poor lady can't go to the police. Shame.
That's horrible - that guy is a prick!
I haven't been to Chen in years, anyone worth seeing there? Wendy was ok.
Warlord Monger's Avatar
That's horrible - that guy is a prick!
I haven't been to Chen in years, anyone worth seeing there? Wendy was ok. Originally Posted by stretcher86
Definitely. If you just want a good release with lots of options, DEFINITELY. Some people are looking for Miss World looking girls. Then it's not the place to go.