A Funny Thing About Giving Thanks...

We all know why we're here. It's not to join hands and sing, "We Are the World." We like this place because of a common, often raucous interest in the hobby.

But that doesn't mean we can't take a moment, at least once a year, to soften a bit and take a ride on the sentimental side. Are you with me?

Here's a funny thing about giving thanks: we're often pretty good at being grateful but we seldom do well at saying to whom we are thankful. Maybe it's the culture of the board that we all remain anonymous and "name no names." But maybe we aren't sure who to thank. Or maybe we are ashamed. Or perhaps we don't even know who to thank. My encouragement to us all this thanksgiving is to be bold and name names. Say "thank you" directly to the ones who have given things for you. I'll start.

1. I'm thankful TO my family. From my parents to my kids, they put up with an awful lot from me. And they seem to love me anyway. That's pretty cool.
2. I'm thankful TO my boss. He trusts me and rewards me far beyond what I deserve.
3. I'm thankful TO God. Yes, I believe in Him. The fact that He didn't strike me dead years ago must mean He's a pretty forgiving guy.
4. I'm thankful TO our U.S. leaders, if for no other reason than they are willing to try to do a job I wouldn't even attempt.
5. I'm thankful TO the millions of men and women who will be working this holiday, either in the military or in firehouses and police stations around the U.S., protecting us to ensure our family dinners and football-parties get uninterrupted by "evil agressors." (Just call me 'W'!)
6. And I'm thankful TO all of you. You (or most of you) make me laugh. Wittiest bunch of fools I've ever been around. I can always find some comic relief around here. And I can always find something (half) intelligent to make me think!

So, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Happy Thanksgiving TO you.

All the best,

I am thankful to have such a loving and accepting family.

I am thankful to the civilians and armed forces serving overseas to try to protect our country and our way of life.

I am thankful for the friends I have had for years, who never judge me. i consider them a part of my family too.

I am thankful that so far God has been looking over me and ,as of yet, haven't encountered any shady scum bags or violent predators.

I am thankful that I have gotten to meet and learn from many very intelligent and charming men so far in this lifestyle.

I am thankful that LSU so far has an awesome season so far, the tailgates have been kick ass so far.

I hope everyone has a great turkey day and gets to spend sometime with the people they love, care for or can cook a really good meal on that day lol.
burkalini's Avatar
I am thankful for waking up.
I am thankful my cock works well
I am thankful for all the beautiful women in the world
I am thankful that Ramblo is so fun to mess with.
I am thankful for a place that shares my sick perverted sense of humor
I am thankful for all the women I have fucked
I am thankful for being tall
Finally I am thankful for having 27 years with the best women I have ever met.

Happy turkey day all you sick fuckers
DallasRain's Avatar
great post!

I am thankful for all I have "achieved" over the last 48 years!
I am also thankful for my real life family & friends.....and for my eccie family & friends!!

BUT most importantly...I am thankful I do not have to cook on Thanksgiving...lol!

happy thanksgiving!!
memdal's Avatar
Well said. Here is hoping that everyone has something to be thankful for this holiday. I am thankful for my health, my family, my job, that I live in this great country (even with all of its faults and internal bickering), that I have the privilege to participate in a great hobby that has allowed me to meet so many wonderful women and young ladies, and that this world has women who are blessed with beautiful bodies, faces and talents that they are willing to “share” with me.

Happy Thanksgiving
I am Thankful for my family,friends, having my real world and hobby world friends and BFE's. I am also blessed in the fact I am able to help others who are not as blessed as some are...Nothing feels better than to be able to give back and help someone else. I hope everyone has a great holiday and tries to remember to be thankful everyday not just on the holidays.Try and let people know you appreciate them as often as you can...Be safe everyone