First To Be Cut Or Fired For Cowboys

After watching another sorry ass display by easily the most undisciplined team in the NFL rt now. Who do you think is the first to be cut or fired for the Cowboys.

I actually think Dallas will probably pull plug on Beuehler just to use as scape goat for the Harvin return.

Would love to see some serious benching for stupid shit, but we know that wont happen.

This team is going no where fast. And to think I have tickets to go see them next Monday night against the Giants. Im wondering if I am better off spending my time washing my truck. Wade should I even attend
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 10-17-2010, 05:54 PM
Demote Wade to Def Coordinator, hire Bill Cowher.....this Cowboy team sucks!
travelling_man's Avatar
You can't blame the KICKER for not making a tackle. But the special teams and coverage in particular have cost the Boys the past 2 games. I'm thinking the special teams coach has to go bye bye. Where is Joe Avezzano when you need him? I think they should get rid of DeCamillis, but their hands are tied because of what happened when their training facility tent fell on him and he got injured. How could they fire the guy after he almost gets killed? That would be a bad PM move no matter what spin they tried to put on it.
CenterLock's Avatar
First person to be fired: the press person - for not convincing fans that "almost there" game after game is good enough
Second person to be fired: the person responsible for setting ticket prices. They should be higher if you aren't going to play through to the super bowl. That way net profits can be maintained.

Anyone remember the staubach team? Sigh. Back when the boys were just a good solid team.
Demote Wade to Def Coordinator, hire Bill Cowher.....this Cowboy team sucks! Originally Posted by PSD
Cowher will not go to any team unless he is given complete control of player personnel.

JJ's 'super duper' sized ego will not allow him to give anybody complete control to anyone other than himself!

Therein lies the problem!

I believe the right opportunity will come along for Cowher prior to the beginning of the 2011 season. But it won't be with the Dallas Cowboys!
Mopar71's Avatar
Cowher will not go to any team unless he is given complete control of player personnel.

JJ's 'super duper' sized ego will not allow him to give anybody complete control to anyone other than himself!

Therein lies the problem! Originally Posted by bigtex
netman's Avatar
I think they should get rid of DeCamillis, but their hands are tied because of what happened when their training facility tent fell on him and he got injured. How could they fire the guy after he almost gets killed? Originally Posted by travelling_man
I disagree... DeCamillis has already settled out of court.

If this was still in litigation, that would be a whole different story.

DeCamillis got what he wanted out of the situation so there should be no bad PR for the Cowboys.

JJ is an idiot. Get a real coach that demands the respect of his players and get some discipline.
flexywun's Avatar
there's not much they can really do. not going to bring a coach in during the season, pay Wade off and then have a lockout at the end of the year. and they are pretty stuck playing the 3-4 defense and wouldn't have anybody to coach it if Wade was gone. pretty thin depth wise so don't see anybody ready to replace a starter. maybe Holland for Davis. thats' not going to matter much. i wouldn't mind seeing them try Choice as an every down back and see if he can give them some spark and toughness. unfortunately, they are just not a very smart football team. they weren't smart when Parcell's was here either. one of the reasons he left. he was too old to watch it. the margin between winning and losing is too close and their mistakes tilt them to the losing side. its hard to watch. they will probably start playing better once they are out of the playoffs and finish strong enough to make us wonder what if...
flexywun's Avatar
oh another thing. our linebacker play is pretty ineffective. as good as Ware and Spencer are against the run and rushing the passer, they don't offer much in pass defense when they don't get to the QB. Brooking is getting long in the tooth and Bradie has always been lost in pass defense. watch the good defenses and the linebackers get in the passing lanes, occasionally get a pick (like the Viking LB that picked Romo that led to the winning score). our inside backers are clueless in pass defense and our outside backers are basically defensive ends. we get a few sacks but susceptible to giving up big plays. ok, my rant is over. i'll just watch the season play out from here. over and out.
St.Mateo's Avatar
They should of gotten Mike Shanahan. Just his arrival with the Redskins commanded respect and alone shows their improvement. Wade just doesnt inspire a thing.
If Jerry really wants another Super Bowl ring(which he has said and you would think this is a no brainer) He has to relent and hire a Cowher
Jerry ego has destroyed this team
slims099's Avatar
Cowher? 0% chance
What other good coach is out there?

Wade gets fired and Jason Garrett takes over?? 1-5% chance.

JJ will fire Wade and Garrett at end of season (for sure) and we get a bad/decent coach for next year.
JJ's ego HAS killed this team. I completely agree.
steverino50's Avatar
start thinking about a good draft pick.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
maybe JJ should fire himself! no wait, he should fire everyone else then fire himself!
in JJ's ownership the only two times da Boys played up to or even above their talent was with the other JJ (forgit it, JJ doesn't need the other JJ's money or bullshit) and under Parcells. Cowher has ZERO interest in Dallas because he won't put up with JJ meddling. Kinda a shame, you can only wonder what a strong coaching personality could do for these losers. First thing Cowher would do is fire that overrated overpaid bum Jason Garrett. I agree firing Aw Shucks Phillips during the season would probably be a bad move, few truely qualified coaches would bolt from their teams mid-season.
here's a name you Cowgirls may hear later this year ... Bob Stoops. Yep. Big Game Bozo. why? why not? LOL. that's what JJ did when the other JJ left, he hired Switzer.
that sort of worked out, unless you consider blowing a chance to make NFL history by winning 4 straight working out.

but look at the bright side cowgirls fans, Steinbrenner did the same shit and got two strong title runs out of it with them Yankees. oh did i forget to mention the 18 year gap between them? at this rate your next Cowgirlies "dynasty" is only 3 years away!! Buhhhaaahaah!!!

JJ's biggest problem finding the right coach is himself! what rock would you have to crawl out from under to not know how JJ meddles with shit? I really don't see this turning out well for them cowgirlies. JJ will probably go after a defensive coach and try to tell this guy to keep Garrett. Good luck with that, JJ.
I think Tony Dungy rather than Cowher would be a good choice as head coach. When Irsay packed up the Baltimore Colts and took them to Indianapolis he was regarded as one of the worst owners in the league. Whatever happened to him needs to happen to Jerry Jones. I never would have thought that Dungy would work for Irsay but he did and was successful. Jerry couldn't stand the attention that Jimmy Johnson received and was ready to shit out his ego after he hired Bill Parcell and basically handed over control. Wade is the equivalent of the guy a woman dates after a bad breakup; namely he's everything Parcells wasn't and it gives Jerry some comfort knowing his head coach is without fire or strength of will. Jerry can mold that pile of mush into whatever he needs. Prior posters to this thread are correct. Unless/until Jerry Jones completely removes himself from the picture OR has an Irsay-like conversion the Cowboys are destined to be no better than a .500 team.