The Rangers World Series Roster - my thouhgts

The Rangers look to win their first World Championship beginning Wednesday night (Cliffmas here) with Cliff Lee taking on Tiny Tim. The roster hasn't been set yet but here's what I'm hoping the Rangers do and why...

The obvious...
SP Cliff Lee
SP C.J Wilson - who is going to be pissed if he doesn't get to hit in San Fran
SP Colby Lewis - Who I think should get the 2nd game nod.
SP/RHRP Tommy Hunter - likely game 4 starter and i would keep it that way
SP/LHSP Derek Holland - Dutch may be in the mix to start game 4... I wouldn't do it against SF righty dominated lineup
RHRP Darren O'Day
LHRP Darren Oliver
RHRP Alexi Ogando
RHRP Neftali Feliz

OF Josh Hamilton - anxiously anticipating a splash ball from Josh
OF Vladimir Guerrero
OF David Murphy
OF Nelson Cruz
OF Julio Borbon

3B Michael Young
SS Elvis Andrus
2B Ian Kinsler
1B Mitch Moreland - he's had a fantastic approach at the plate this postseason ... especialy for a rookie. Let's hope it continues.
C Bengie Molina
C Matt Treanor - or Mr. Misty May if you prefer

That's 20 of 25 spots that are pretty obvious and the names most people know associated with this team but it's going to take contributions from some others. WHo should those people be?

OF Jeff Francour - He looked great when he first came over but has slipped into his over aggressive I can hit anything they throw to me and I'm swinging at this pitch no matter what mentality. He's on the roster as a RH hitter of the bench and a good defensive OF replacement for Vladdy when needed. Consider him #21

1B Jorge Cantu is said to definitely be on the WS roster. This is unfortunate because he really is our only option of a RH batter playing 1B. HIs presence needs to be there but I feel like we're giving a bench spot away and playing with 24. ... Couldn't Francour play first in a pinch.. please?? Consider him, begrudgingly, #22

LHRP Michael Kirkman - Kirkman was added in place of Dustin Nippert to face the Yankees and imho should stick in the bullpen for the series. That's ot to say he will as he could be replaced again with Nippert but I believe you have to go with his superior stuff despite his left handedness facing the righty heavy Giants. Hopefully #23

UTIL IF Andres Blanco - he hasn't seen the field except for the celebrations but he's been on both the ALDS and ALCS rosters. He can definitely play as a defensive replacement on the IF or provide a boost int he running game if needed.

One more person... do we need another pitcher or another hitter. Frankie francisco could make this easy but he's still hurt. Rumors have it that Mark Lowe is back in shape and as ready as he would be after spring training... if those are true then...

RHRP Mark Lowe- the other pitcher acquired in the Cliff Lee deal is a power righty that I think makes the perfect last addition. BUT he has to be healthy and he could be the guy instead of Kirkman given the over abundance of RH hitters on the Giants.

UTIL IF Esteban German - German was dropped from the playoff roster for the ALCS to get another lefty reliever, Clay Rapada, in the pen to face Cano. We're done with the Yanks and with us playing at least 2 and possibly four games in a NL park we need added versatiliy... German is the answer. He can play virtually anywhere on the IF (1B not withstanding) and with his speed he makes the perfect pitch runner. It may not happen but he's my #25.

National league baseball is fun to watch with the double switches, the pitchers hitting, when to use pitch runners, and the premium on managing the situations. (I hope Washington leans heavily on Jackie Moore and Clint Hurdle in this aspect of the game.)

Who will get substituted for this series?
Bengie Molina - he will hit but look for Borbon, Blanco, Murphy, Francour, .. .maybe even a pticher to run for him in a close game. The dude is s...l....o.....w. But when he starts they'd prefer him to finish because of how well he handles pitchers.
Matt Treanor - not picking on catchers just stating the obvious.. Tranor will likey be pinch hit for or at least pinch run for when he starts in this series for two reasons.. get a better bat and or better speed in his spot and get Molina out there to handle the late innings... hoping he doesn't clog the basepaths on you.
Vladimir Guerrero - look for him to be pinch run for later in a game to get more speed on the bases and a defensive upgrade in the OF.

What might surprise you
Alexi Ogando hitting - Ogando is a former OF and has a decent bat. If Wash brings him in to finish an inning he may let him bat to save a pinch hitter for later.
Colby Lewis power - He actually played DH as a pitcher in the Japanese league and handles the bat with a fair amount of power... be great to see him homer in Game 2 as a starting pitcher.
Buster Posey SF C - dude looks 12 but is full of talent.
Pablo Sandoval speed - okay maybe speed is a misnomer but for a big man he can move... or at least he could last year when he was actually hitting the baseball.

Can't wait until Wednesday ... next appointment with an amazing woman and then Rangers Baseball that evening.

Hoping for a Rangers in 5 series victory!!