Photographer needs Web Developer Help!

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I'm a long-time portrait photographer now focusing on glamor and need help getting my new site launched. (Too much learning just keeping up with PS and Lightroom to do a great job on web design...)

If you can help I'm ready to start a dialog about what I need. My email is
I can help! I designed my own website at and Id be happy to get you up and going too!


Former IT geek turned pro photographer
john_deere's Avatar
just set up a wordpress blog.
Question about GoDaddy and WordPress - The dude doing my website says GoDaddy doesn't play well with WordPress. Does anyone know if this is true, or is he just trying to sell me his hosting service.

(I purchased my glamor domain and web hosting via GoDaddy, loaded wordpress, and he selected a theme, which I purchased. I'm generally following a Kelby Media book, "Get Your Photography on the Web" by Rafael Conception...)

I can forward his whole email to anyone wanting more info.
chetmanly's Avatar
My clients have never had an issue with WP and GoDaddy