My annual bashing of the Dallas Cowboys

Ok so I am a little late getting this out. I am working too many hours these days but after listening all morning to my dogs snoring I thought I would give out my predictions for the upcoming football season. Ok this is actually about how the Dallas Cowboys will again fall short in their quest to not only host this coming season SuperBowl but to actually represent the NFC in this year's big game.

First the Cowboys have a pretty tough schedule, the NFC East is always tough and it looks like the Redskins are making some big improvement. The Giants will always be tough, not sure about the Eagles with a new quarterback at the helm. But lets give the Boys an advantage here and they go 5-3 in the NFC East. They then have some tough AFC opponents but should go 5-3 in their remaining 8 games, so they finish 10-6.

Not sure if the Boys will actually do that well, since their offensive line is not doing very well and the tight end position for the Boys is getting weaker. A studd defense will win a few games but without a ballanced offense, its going to take a miracle for the Boys to escape the first round of the playoffs. Jerry Jones will fire Wade Phillips at the end of the year, but at least Jerry should have a decent seat for the SuperBowl in the house he built and screwed the general public with in help building.

So one more time the Cowboys fans will have to be content with their usual "wait until next year speach and you will be hearing that memorable song:

"turn out the lights the parties over"

flexywun's Avatar
predictions are like a-holes, everybody has them. lets play the games. as far as winning it all, there are 32 teams trying to do it and 31 of them come up short, so if your favorite team wins more than one superbowl in 32 years consider yourself lucky to have seen it. Boys have won 5 in my lifetime so i figure i'me luckier than most.
BlackJedi's Avatar
I'm an die hard Cowboy fan from upstate NY where the Bills and Giants are the most liked FB teams and I agree with some of your points. The O-line is shakey and overrated. If one of the starters gets hurt the 'Boys will be in trouble. Same thing with TE. Bennett is a bust and just a waste of space. That John Phillips is a way better player and his injury will be key. Every year Dallas has a key injury at a position that is not very deep in the depth chart that costs them a few games and playoff positioning.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
as we would say in Stillwater, Ok USA

Throw it to Dez

cookie man's Avatar
Bob has always been bitter that Little Caesar was not the official pizza of "da Boys"
I'll just enjoy the Cowboy's ride this year and see if we can take it all the way.
Am I missing something? Should we give a shit about his opinion?

Unless I am missing something - every team will fall short this year save one. And not every team has a title - let alone 5. I think the Cowbooys are pretty good - historically speaking.

So way to go out on a limb. Nice to know you hate the Cowboys. Who cares? And since it's your annual bashing of the Cowboys post, perhaps you can let us all know what last years post went like? Can't wait to read your prediction of an 8 - 8 record.
Sirliamcross I see you are one of many fans that enjoys living in the past. Yes The Boys won FIVE TITLES. Count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But when was the last time the Boys even won a playoff game before last year. It had been a long long time. The Boys are as usualy over rated, blame that on Jerry and the local media. The Boys are a legend in their own mind. At one time the Boys in Blue had an advantage because they had true professionals running the team and coaching the players, but Jerry Jones has reversed that image, much like the Oakland Raiders from past years. So go back and look at your old VCR Tapes or DVD's or whatever you have and enjoy the games in the past that have nothing to do with this year's team.

And CookieMan if Jerry runs his PaPa John's Pizza places the way he runs his team then I will be a happy Little Caesar's Franchisee for a long long time.
sdguy08's Avatar
Ok, not to rain on anyone's parade but I gotta jump in on this thread only because I hope to see my Chargers bash the Cowboys tomorrow night! Yeah, it's only preseason, but you gotta cheer on your team.

Boltfan, you can add to this thread!
cheatercheater's Avatar
I'm just waiting on Sophie to have her say.
Boltfan's Avatar
I was in Vegas just before the Bears game and got more than a few remarks while donning my full chargers gear at the poker tables. I guess if your team really sucks you get worked up about preseason like bears fans.

I do enjoy any situation that causes cowboy fans to squirm though :-)
sdguy08's Avatar
I do enjoy any situation that causes cowboy fans to squirm though :-) Originally Posted by Boltfan
Ha, ha, ha... yup, it's that time of year again when I can give my co-workers hell on Monday morning!!!
So - wait... Results don't actually matter?

1,2,3,4,5 super bowls - your team sucks!

Just stupid...

What your team has actually done doesn't matter - now, what you are GUESSING they will do... Now that REALLY matters

Just stupid. If you bash them every year, I guess your opinion doesn't matter. Sounds like you bash them every year no matter what.
Boltfan's Avatar
At what point do you live in the present man? The Chargers have won championships as well. The Packers lay claim to the most championships yet the Cowboys and Steelers like to claim more titles. You are just like a Raiders fan.
Ah come on BigBob, you're just bitter because you chose to be a franchisee of one of the crappiest brands of pizza ever...some people may have a different opinion, that just happens to be mine.
And last time I looked, the Dallas Cowboys are still one of the top valued professional sports franchises in maybe old Jerry isn't doing so bad after all. Just the facts man....just the facts!!

Why don't you grow a pair...pick a team and stand FOR somebody?? It's easy to get on a board and spew crap...while not putting yourself out there as a fan for somebody. Just another wanna be "expert" trying to stir people up!

What I know for sure is this...
I am a Dallas Cowboy fan and have been as long as I can remember...PERIOD. Even in the lean the Super Bowl years.
I have no idea how this season will go...but just like the fans and players of the other 31 teams, I am hopeful of a championship visit. Do some things concern me about my Boys?...sure, but I am still hopeful. I just don't put too much stock in pre-season games as an indicator of where a team will finish come February 6th, 2011. I am curious what player(s) wearing that Blue Star are gonna rise up and answer the questions! The participants in the big game in Arlington won't be there based upon what any of us think, but what they do on the field.
It is an indisputable fact that every championship team is not the best in every stat. So lets just let 'em play the games and see where things go.

You wanna talk stats, go ahead...bring it! But at the end of the day (oh heavens, did I just use that way overused phrase??), the past means nothing. This is a "what have you done for me lately" situation. Am I proud of the history and heritage of the Cowboys...sure! (Especially after watching Emmitt get enshrined into the Hall of Fame.)
What I am absolutely sure of - 31 teams, 31 owners, 31 sets of fans are gonna be left wishing and wanting come the morning of 2/7/2011.
When the games start to matter in September, then lets talk
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