Copying U-tube videos

How can I copy u-tube videos to my computer. Please keep in mind I am computer illiterate.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
You can't copy them in the traditional sense, but you can create an account and save videos to playlists to watch later. You can also copy links and/or code to post them on other sites or email them.

Here's a screenshot of a YouTube vid to help you understand...

See the "thumbs up" symbol in the photo above? When you want to get the link to a YouTube video, click the last symbol in the row. The one to the right of the + sign. It will give you options for what type of link you need.

Good Luck!
jframe2's Avatar
Search for web- video downloader. there are tons that will do it.

Keep in mind that settings on the account where the video is hosted may prevent a direct link download of a video. If this the case, then look for a screen capture program.
My problem is once u-tube discovers the content they delete the site. I have in the past just saved the URL of the site.
74kilo's Avatar
If you have Real Player, it come with RealDownloader and I've had no trouble saving videos with it.
Thanks I will give that a try.
The Good Names Are Taken's Avatar
Youtube Video Downloader

Even if the video gets taken down, you'll always have a downloaded copy.
Thanks I think that worked. I wanted to down load Dezirie's new hot video. Now I need to find where it stored it on my computer. It sure eats up the bits I won't do that on my hotspot again.
It worked great and stored it in my documents library. Damn that Dezirie is hot.
So, when are you going to put a pic of her up as your avatar so I can steal.... er... borrow..... um..... copy, (yea that 's it, copy) it?
  • tbh
  • 11-15-2013, 03:41 AM
When I click on the link in post #7 a new window opened. In the center of that window is a green "free download" button. When I click on that button it opens a second window with instructions on how to download Internet Explorer 8. I am already using IE 8.
Can someone tell me what I did wrong.

I have been using a site called "keepvid. com" for years to save youtube videos but it recently stopped working.
At the bottom of my screen my computer asked if I wanted to run-etc the program. Just hit run and carry on with the download.

Col Z what did you think of Dezirie's ass? Her video is just toooo much.
Voobys is how I do it. Super easy. just replace the youtube with the word voobys and bam. here is a step by step on how.
Col Z what did you think of Dezirie's ass? Her video is just toooo much. Originally Posted by tucson
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
realplayer works great for me