What is your record?

Ok, sooooo I'm making my yearly jaunt into Las Vegas this June and I know the several days I'm going to be there I plan on breaking my record for fun. Five consecutive days with providers on the menu. Sure golf and poker will be great...but this little hobby is what will create the most memories for me. So my question, what is your record? Tell us how many times in how many days...And, if you feel up to it list those gals. Could be helpful to a few of us. I know I have some lined up already and when I return I will look forward to sharing a few stories. So...there you have it, what do you say?
ok, well no one is interested in commenting on their fun...so you can close this out if you want.
Well poo, no one wants to come out and play in your thread? I will!

Hey if you are in Vegas during the dates I have listed below I am traveling with some Texas hotties and you could have a visit with each one of us all five days in a row! That would be a super awesome record to set...five consecutive sessions with touring Texas hotties! I love it!

Ha, but I digress.

I would tell you my hobby "record" but it isn't ladylike to kiss and tell

Hope your Vegas trip is as fun as I plan for mine to be!
Muah! Marla
  • Paven
  • 05-29-2011, 10:05 AM
I'm with Marla! Literally I will be one of the gals in her group if you want to put a twist into your fun plans sir! Then you'll have even more stories to share . Either way have a great time mckinneyman!
I thank you lovely ladies for the notes above. I gotta be honest here....I wish I had never started this thread. I am kind of embarrassed I started it. I guess I was in an enthusiastic but weak moment. I have already made plans and I feel very strongly about keeping committments...but I truly appreciate the offers. Have a wonderful trip.
setman's Avatar
What happens and how many times it happens in vegas....stays in vegas.

Setty (South Side)


Love it!

Yes whatever I do here will certainly stay a well guarded secret

What happens and how many times it happens in vegas....stays in vegas.

Setty (South Side)

Originally Posted by setman