Ladies...recent activity/memory

texasmarine's Avatar
I've noticed that alot of the ladies, when screening, will ask for a recent provider referral and how they will remember me.
1. Exactly what do you ladies consider to be recent activity? Is it within the last 30 days?
2. What do you do if one of the referrals says they don't remember the guy?

I'm asking because my hobbying comes in spurts and I'm about to have my last spurt for a while. I'm not an extremely active hobbiest anyway, but I don't want to fall out of the realm of what most ladies consider to be "recent".
I didn't try to research this subject, so if it's out there just point me there.
For me within the past six months is recent. Up to a year ago is acceptable, though not ideal. However, the lady you want to vouch for you has to actually remember you (and be reference-friendly, of course, because not all are). This is the primary reason I prefer more recent references: if you saw a lady once for an hour 10 months ago, her memory of you is likely quite faded, if even present at all now. I also want to know that your behavior recently has been honorable. Someone you met in 2002 may not have an accurate impression of your current personality.

If she doesn't remember you, I'll simply need another reference who does know who the heck you are. If you don't have sufficient references, I'll have to screen you as if you were a newbie (for me, that means via employment info).

And if that doesn't work, well... you're welcome to contact me again when you do have more recent references.
Jade Mackie's Avatar
A lot of ladies consider 6 months recent enough. One thing I take into consideration is the other ladies' screening methods. Is she very thorough?

Also, some ladies remember things better by phone numbers or email addresses.

Then, some ladies like to get as much info as possible to feel more comfortable and overall have a better time.
I may not remember what the gent's face looks like, but I will NEVER FORGET what the top of his head looks like. (DATY)


I honestly don't care about recent activity. Depending on the quantity that each lady sees is a big factor.
If Provider A sees 5 guys a day (bless her heart) and Provider B sees 1-2 guys per week, even if you saw Provider B eight months ago, she will probably remember you better than Provider A.
Catch my drift?

If one of the referrals says "she doesn't remember him, honey I'm sorry" (WHICH HAPPENS ALOT) I simply ask for another reference and go from there.
I would rather have a Provider be honest and say that they don't remember, rather than lie and say they do.

DallasRain's Avatar
I usually remember a guy by what he does for a living
berkleigh's Avatar
I no longer save phone numbers unless he has become a regular of mine.
Even then, everyone is coded in my phone by how they left an impression on me.

I can verify by p411 ID or email addy look up.

If I still cant remember, I do ask for more detailed info about our session to spark my memory.

Ive had one provider recently become very irritated because I got on to her for presenting me with a half ass reference.

I refuse to vouch on someone I could barely remember for fear I may put her in danger.

Every session I have is unique, so as long as he can provide something to spark my memory, there is usually no problem.

I also have been somewhat UTR for a few months due to an arrangement, so YES I do require more infomation and I would hope both parties appreciate that.
I can pretty much remember all of my clients. So if I have seen you, I can give you a reference. Will I if its been over 6 months? No. I will tell the lady that I have seen you and remember you, but I would not feel safe saying that you are an "okay" guy, if I haven't seen you in awhile. A lot of things happen over time.

My best advice is to get P411 and keep your "okays" up to date. Everytime you see someone, even if its every few months get them to update your okay then you will be fine.
just4funindfw's Avatar
OMG on Ms. Foster's avatar. Making me want to get all kinds of nasty with Ms. Foster.