So long, friends. I'm leaving here forever.

ShysterJon's Avatar
Nah, I'm just fucking with you.

But I was thinking (every few years I do that): With so many farewell threads clogging up Coed, maybe we should devote a forum entirely to the long goodbyes.

What could we call such a forum? Here are my ideas. Please add your own. Or don't. I don't care. I just can't take it anymore and I'm leaving anyway. Nah, I'm just fucking with you again.

Possible Names for a Goodbye, ECCIE Forum

"Goodbye, Cruel Hobby World"

"Post Things Here You'll Regret Saying Later"

"Posts by Those Who Lost Their Money, Their Wife, and Soon Their Computer Due to Their Sex Addiction"

"Mostly Retirement Threads by tiggold, But a Few by Others"
How about:
"The Goodbye Forum 'Cause The SO Caught Me And Is Forcing Me To Post This While She Watches."
TexRich's Avatar
the year of goodbyes and so cock was writing checks my bank account couldn't pay.
Nah, I'm just fucking with you.
Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Hey at lease U used your own handle to fuck with us.

One question, Were U born in the USA?
ShysterJon's Avatar
How about:
"The Goodbye Forum 'Cause The SO Caught Me And Is Forcing Me To Post This While She Watches." Originally Posted by Prolongus
I like that, but tinkering with it a little it could be:

"The Goodbye Forum: 'cause the SO Caught Me and:
(a) she's holding a gun to my head
(b) the process server is knocking at my door with divorce papers
(c) she has a rusty, dull machete poised over mis huevos
(d) I'm planning my return under a new handle

...While I Post This"
Captain Caveman's Avatar
When I leave I am going to slip out as quietly as I slipped in...
berkleigh's Avatar
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
1. The Consequences of Being Busted
2. So Long, and Thanks for All the Sex
3. See Everyone in a Couple Months!
4. Last Minute Cries for Attention
5. Attempts to Stall the Divorce
6. Time to Make Up a Fresh Handle...
7. See Ya, Suckers!
8. Yeah, Well, I'm Gonna Go Make My Own Board! ...With Blackjack!
9. Exhibit G
10. Run Away!
Int3rested's Avatar
Nah, I'm just fucking with you.

But I was thinking (every few years I do that): With so many farewell threads clogging up Coed, maybe we should devote a forum entirely to the long goodbyes.

What could we call such a forum? Here are my ideas. Please add your own. Or don't. I don't care. I just can't take it anymore and I'm leaving anyway. Nah, I'm just fucking with you again.

Possible Names for a Goodbye, ECCIE Forum

"Goodbye, Cruel Hobby World"

"Post Things Here You'll Regret Saying Later"

"Posts by Those Who Lost Their Money, Their Wife, and Soon Their Computer Due to Their Sex Addiction"

"Mostly Retirement Threads by tiggold, But a Few by Others" Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Nah, I'm just fucking with you again....
ShysterJon's Avatar
4. Last Minute Cries for Attention
* * *
7. See Ya, Suckers! Originally Posted by The Proper Stranger
I REALLY like these two. No. 4 could be the forum for guys and no. 7 the forum for girls. I've always enjoyed the threads by girls who indignantly lecture us and tell us they're picking up their marbles to go back to BP. I read those and think, huh, that's an unusual way to run a business. It'd be like me standing outside my corner grocery store shouting at passersby, "You'll never come into my store and shop because I won't let you! TAKE THAT, MOTHERFUCKER!"
jimbo 705's Avatar
Thanks God your not leaving, I look forward to seeing your new avatars.
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Great Thread, Shyster.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Damn, those are all good ones. I may have to just borrow from a movie line when the hero must make a tragic stage left.

Navin R. Johnson: Well I'm gonna to go then! And I don't need any of this. I don't need this stuff, and I don't need *you*. I don't need anything. Except this.
[picks up an ashtray]
Navin R. Johnson: The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, and this magazine, and the chair.
Navin R. Johnson: [outside now] And I don't need one other thing, except my dog.
[dog growls at him]
Navin R. Johnson: I don't need my dog.

Steve Martin -from the The Jerk
TexRich's Avatar
my wife did not believe the "doppelganger" story.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You Won't Have Me to Kick Around Anymore!