So did anybody else see this on the news?

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Sad that there is this dirty, dark underside to this world. Its not just in Vegas either.
I really think that most of this type activity happens out on the street and not with the true independent ladies and legit agencies. There will always be people to take advantage of others for their own gain and guys like the one described in the story should be "removed" from society, permanently in my opinion.
H8edByOne's Avatar
We all know that there is the dark side to all of this...I hope that I never contribute to that side of it all...I like the hobby side much better...let stay independent and safe!
I find it interesting that people who have never been in this biz are always calling us unhappy or they think we are all pimped out.Ugh annoying but I do have the book on pre order.