Clowns, Men, Sex and Fear

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
In the fetish topic, post #13 ( mentioned clowns in a joking fashion.

There have been men in my life who absolutely cannot stand clowns. They're scared of them. Not just scared, freaked out about clowns.

I never had a problem with them as a child, but my brother once was given a nice oil painting of a clown and my parents had to get rid of it because, and I'll never forget this because it was true, he said, "The clown's eyes follow me around the room". It was spooky.

Now, when I think about it, clowns are not cute to me at all. Ronald McDonald, and those silly life-sized figures of him, does nothing to erase the eeeck and pedophilia feel that I get from the personae.

So with that being said, the thought of some guy showing up at the door and being sexy in a clown outfit would probably send me running, slamming the door shut and calling the police.

Not sexy at all.

Gentlemen, what are your thoughts about clowns? Most guys can imagine almost anything concerning a woman sexy in some form or fashion. Any clown fantasies out there?

Some of the most sophisticated men that I've run into, when the subject has come up, just do not like them at all. (As one guy told me, "Elisabeth, think of any murdering horror film that you can. There will always be a damn clown in it.")


Randall Creed's Avatar
The last time I was 'afraid' of a clown was watching the movie, Killer Klowns (From Outer Space). If you've never seen it, ya probably want to stay away from that movie. It's one of those B movies that has humor in it, yet is a bit on the distubing side.

While I'm not personally afraid of clowns myself, I CAN see what others would fear in them. That look in their eyes, that hidden expression that suggest something dark and twisted. Then again, maybe movies have intensified the fear some may have.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
I only fear the clowns in Washington.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Silent Night Deadly Night, remake of The Blob, any Troma Team picture, yeah those could all be disturbing. I laugh my ass off at them. Maybe my sense of humor is...never mind.
PODarkness's Avatar
I worked for the circus for a while about a hundred years ago. There were two female clowns that I had a thing for. One was married, but the other finally gave in to my persistence. She had a smoking hot body, but it was totally hidden under the baggy clown clothes she wore. Purely by chance she was in make-up at the time, and the sight of her hot body coming out of that costume and her made up face going down on me were unique to say the least. I start getting tight in the pants to this day when I see a female clown, because it brings back that unique image every time.
Clowns are the devil!
berkleigh's Avatar
I am scared of clowns yo! * scream *
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Clowns and zombies go down well after a good application of chainsaw or .45 Cal jacketed hollow-point. You must decapitate then burn them in a funeral pyre and bury the ashes to prevent a viral spread or reanimation.

Pictogram instructions below...

These are the only 2 ways available to stop the spread of zombies and clowns.
PT-109's Avatar
I was about 10-12 years old when Gacy got caught.
Now I don't remember ever being a big fan of clowns. But once the Gacy story broke, I developed a healthy disdain for clowns.
I've mentioned this to other guys my age, and most feel the same way. They may not remember Gacy, or even know why, but most don't like clowns.
I'm sure its just a psycholgical thing about a big ugly smile painted on a face.Plus not knowing who is really under all that makeup.All in all I don't fear the clown any more than I fear clones.
Travelmind's Avatar
LMAO just on this subject title alone. I was a clown in college but also used my dog as a prop. I was at a state fair once with my dog and a woman slipped me a business card and said to call her. Well I thought it was going to be for a birthday party or something like that but she wanted me to meet her at a hotel (no dog). Thought is was weird then 20 years ago and just declined. However if today I got that offer I would have jumped all over that.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
several years ago, a good friend of mine was planning a b'day party for his daughter. i was known as a joker kind of guy, so his wife asked me if i would be a clown for the party. they finally talked me into it, and they got the costume and the wife painted up my face before all the evil little kids showed up. that was one of the meanest bunch of kids i've ever seen. i tried to be a funny entertaining clown, but those mean little fuckers were punching me and trying to pull my clown outfit off. my buddy taped the whole thing, and whenever i drop my him and his wife still laugh about it. even his kids, both grown and married, still remind me of it.


p.s. watch thr Rob Zombie movie 'The Devil's Rejects' for a pretty scary clown.
Now, when I think about it, clowns are not cute to me at all. Ronald McDonald, and those silly life-sized figures of him, does nothing to erase the eeeck and pedophilia feel that I get from the personae.

So with that being said, the thought of some guy showing up at the door and being sexy in a clown outfit would probably send me running, slamming the door shut and calling the police.

Not sexy at all.
Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
+1 (love this thread, lady!)

But if he had a large order of fries in hand, I would snatch them up before slamming the door.

Off topic, but Elisabeth Whispers exudes awesome-ness. I'm just sayin'...
PODarkness's Avatar
How can that be a bad thing?
I know, Nobody ever said that about Gacy, right?

But what about Emmit Kelly?

Red Skelton?

Lou Jacobs?

I admit, in all propability nobody ever said that about them either, but they're still cool, right?
OK, so how about this.
You do what you want with the guy clowns, but will you leave the girl clowns to me?

What if I promise to keep em on a leash?
TexRich's Avatar
clowns frighten me still.
Wow, I guess I am the only one that still likes clowns.