Is anyone here familiar with the Port of Houston?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
A few weeks ago I took my toddler on the Port of Houston boat tour and after we went under 610, there was a park on the right where people were hanging out and watching the boats go by and just doing normal park stuff ...

Does anyone know the name of this park or what I am talking about?

I have googled it and searched parks on the cities website, but could not find anything. I'd love to know so I can take my little one there.

Or even anywhere where we can park and hang out and watch the cranes and ships and so forth?

Thanks in advance!
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Might be Brady Island, Brady's Landing has a patio area where you can hang out & watch the ship channel.

Another cool site is to take him for a ride through the Washburn tunnel.
Could be hidalgo park?
To the east is the park area around the a restaurant, parking area, breakers right at the south landing of the Lynchburg ferry.
Brooke...I don't know of any parks near 610 on the water but like the one person mentioned....You might want to go to Brady's Island. There used to be two restaurants there but now I think it's just one. I think you can park and take a walk around the one that used to be called Shanghai Red's (the one that is closed).
If I remember correctly there was a walkway around the west side of the building that gave you access down to the water.

I wouldn't go there at night.
dtymh55's Avatar
I wonder If Ms Brooke saw the park under the Fred Hartman bridge in Baytown? I do not know how far the boat tour proceeds on the channel!?
and what about the tollway bridge?

it would look more like the 610 bridge.

btw....where is that whore....BeeDub....dropping questions and running off.

like spam
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
^^^^ Lol ... I am a beeeezeeee B! I'll reply this evening my love, when I have the time to give you all the attention you deserve.
pyramider's Avatar
^^^^ Lol ... I am a beeeezeeee B! I'll reply this evening my love, when I have the time to give you all the attention you deserve by posting taint photos. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Completed the thought.
^^^^ Lol ... I am a beeeezeeee B! I'll reply this evening my love, when I have the time to give you all the attention you deserve. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
a·hem (əˈhəm)


used to represent the noise made when clearing the throat, typically to attract attention or express disapproval or embarrassment.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If you're talking about across the bayou from where you got on the tour boat that's Hidalgo park.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thank for all the replies, after doing some digging, I don't think it can be Hidalgo park because that is before 610 when on the boat tour.

This park was on the right side of the water, it came up about 5 minutes after we went under 610 (going towards Galena park). I think I'll just have to take the boat tour again and pay better attention once we past under 610.
Chlorine's Avatar
Could also be Buffalo Bend Nature Park which is right there by Hidalgo Park. I would assume either would be a pretty rough place for u and the little one to go alone
Chlorine's Avatar
Enlarge this map Brooke and scroll right
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Might be Brady Island, Brady's Landing has a patio area where you can hang out & watch the ship channel.

Another cool site is to take him for a ride through the Washburn tunnel. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
Thanks for mentioning both of those. I think I may go to Brady's Landing for dinner tonight and I absolutely have to check out the tunnel with my son. He loves tunnels!!!!