Girls with crown tattoos....does that mean

That their is management lurking around the corner? Saw an emo looking provider and she had a crown tat on her chest through me for a loop.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Doesn't it mean that She's kilt someone?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
in most cases they're managed. If you dig deep enough you can find out the different crown types and who the brand owners are. The owners will usually use a young , dumb, inexperienced, and ghettotized ranch hand who makes little to nothing and assign him a cattle prod to keep them in line.
pyramider's Avatar
Maybe she was crowned in checkers ...
maybe she likes mes'can beers
TryWeakly's Avatar
Maybe she is "royalty" ....
Slitlikr's Avatar
Or blended whiskey
TryWeakly's Avatar
TeeDub....please linck up the long crown thread from coed.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
TeeDub....please linck up the long crown thread from coed. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
I need to look again... waz it good?
LexusLover's Avatar
There was a previous thread on this topic.

It depends on the "crown" ... five points is significant.

Latin Kings.
TryWeakly's Avatar