Biden lays a trap for Trump by picking Harris???

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

opinion piece makes this argument that biden laid a trap on trump.

he's aiming for the female vote.

President Trump will likely insult and demean Sen. Kamala Harris, angering women voters, who already overwhelmingly support Democrats

it makes this argument that:
But there are two key differences: First, there are a lot more women in America. They are 54% of the electorate, an eight-point advantage.

Those advantages help explain why Democrats won the popular vote in six of the past seven presidential elections — 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 and 2016 — while Republicans won just once, in 2004.

and there's this tidbit about the BLM supporters and left wing progressives not happy with biden's decision.
Outraged left turns on the Biden-Harris ticket and slams Joe's choice of self-styled 'top cop' and her stringent record as California AG

regarding Kamala. its been said that Kamala said to make progressive changes, you have to be on the inside of the system. from the looks of it, she hasn't made any real serious changes unlike some of her liberal DA bretheren across the country (they're refusing to try cases cause they're black)

well, one things for sure, she likes power and only moves when its politically expedient and advantageous for her.

she was also responsible for jailing hundreds of blacks on technicalities and withheld exculpatory evidence on innocent people who went to jail.
Harris should be an inspiration to all women on how to use your god given assets to get ahead.

Just be willing to suck the dicks of as many influential men as needed
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea no , look a billary that's the failed logic ,
The Democrats surely poll tested (and vetted) all the possible VP candidates and Kamala, however you pronounce it, did the best. Now start with all the trappings, surprises, gaffes, accusations, etc. I'm already sick of it.

Yesterday, Tucker had a segment where people from CNN derided how Tucker mispronounced Harris' first name. Then sleepy Joe introduced Harris at their first press conference by mispronouncing her name. It won't be the first time Biden does that.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Democrats surely poll tested (and vetted) all the possible VP candidates and Kamala, .... Originally Posted by gnadfly
It's pronounced .... Kumola ....
Harris should be an inspiration to all women on how to use your god given assets to get ahead.

Just be willing to suck the dicks of as many influential men as needed Originally Posted by Jackie S
I really do not hold that against her.

Nor do I hold it against her that she put 1500 black men in jail for marijuana, though I wouldn't have.

I think it is wrong to smoke [redacted] and laugh about it in light of the 1500 she put in jail though.

I agree with her when she believed Biden's accusers. After all, he openly fondles females with the cameras going!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Biden has laid a trap for himself

I'm just waiting for the Dim voter base to realize who/what her husband is.
  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 10:13 AM
UC - please elaborate on Harris' husband.

  • oeb11
  • 08-13-2020, 10:17 AM
Hook in the LA Times authored an article published today about how Biden/Harris is a "moderate" ticket for the DPST's. Went on and on.

Obvious - now they want to capture the cetrist americans = along with the radicals to whom they owe allegiance.

biden has already committed to all the radical precepts - reparations, gun confiscation, hate speech, abortion, higher taxes, more welfare and more spending, Disband police, funding for OBLM ,. Antifa - and other radicals.

They are far from anything I recognize as moderate - and harris will be potus if biden is elected and inaugurated - the Dems will 25th amendment him and show their hypocrisy in using him for a 'Moderate' figurehead.

harris will also toe the radical kalifornia line if she becomes POTUS - and institute marxism in Amerika!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
BLM dislike Hairy because she was a cop LOL. That makes her support of BLM all the more weird and twisted WTF.
LexusLover's Avatar
BLM dislike Hairy because she was a cop LOL. That makes her support of BLM all the more weird and twisted WTF. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
And it would be even more so, if she were Black!

The Fake Indian didn't make the cut, but the Fake Black did!

For the next 2 1/2 months there will be ads showing Kumola trashing Bitten LIVE!

The Fake Black Cocksucker calling BittenDementia .... "RACIST" and "MISOGYNISTIC"!!!!

And listen carefully with BittenDementia addresses the FakeBlackCocksucker ...

"Hey, come on Man!"!!!!!!!!!!!
HoeHummer's Avatar
And it would be even more so, if she were Black!

The Fake Indian didn't make the cut, but the Fake Black did!

For the next 2 1/2 months there will be ads showing Kumola trashing Bitten LIVE!

The Fake Black Cocksucker calling BittenDementia .... "RACIST" and "MISOGYNISTIC"!!!!

And listen carefully with BittenDementia addresses the FakeBlackCocksucker ...

"Hey, come on Man!"!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover


He’s going to hurts himself with the kind of anger and bitterness. Maybe he should vote for Trump this time and not gets so upset about Biden and Harris ruining the last few years of his long and storied life.

Biden is too white and Harris isn’t black enough. One would think that would be enough to feeds his rage machine. But noooooo.

Apparently he missed the last train to Clarkesville!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Women are very hard on other women especially those who sleep their way to the top. Do you really think the Biden polling group told the subjects that Kamala was fucking a married man for fun and profit? How do you feel about that?

He’s going to hurts himself with the kind of anger and bitterness. Maybe he should vote for Trump this time and not gets so upset about Biden and Harris ruining the last few years of his long and storied life.

Biden is too white and Harris isn’t black enough. One would think that would be enough to feeds his rage machine. But noooooo.

Apparently he missed the last train to Clarkesville!
Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Do they have a Clarksville in Canada as well?

I'll bet you cannot adequately delineate it either....[redacted] lover.
Lapdog's Avatar
It's pronounced .... Kumola .... Originally Posted by LexusLover

Does giving her a disparaging name help to make you less afraid of her?