After Arrest…what is next for Lady

MYQUEST's Avatar
A little off topic, but just learned that a Lady I have known for many years was arrested in Richardson. Seems she made the fatal mistake of taking $$ directly from a undercover cop. She only does L1 & L2 so was somewhat shocked they would go after such a small fish. She has never been in trouble and is scared to death. Any insight on what happens next and an Attorney than handles these type cases? She is not a citizen so don’t know if that will be a factor.
In Dallas county my provider bond was $1000 , after 5 days she was let out on time served .
This was about 4 yrs ago .
Grace Preston's Avatar
Depends. Was she arrested for massage without a license (before any service took place) or was she arrested after agreeing to actual sexual services? What her actual charge is will make a difference.

Either way-- my advice is to fight it. PARTICULARLY if it was for massage without a license (you mentioned she is L1/L2-- hence why I'm adding this in).

They're going to offer her deals to get her to just take the charge and not fight... if they have it in them to fight it-- I suggest fighting it. You can often get charges knocked down if you fight.. and can sometimes even get them dismissed (mine were dismissed fully for massage without a license-- UC nabbed me at the door before any service began).
MYQUEST's Avatar
I think no massage. He tried to get her to agree to L3...but she told him she doesn't do L3. She only did motion for hand and point to her mouth. Never stated service.
MYQUEST's Avatar
Will all of the real crime we have, it ridiculous do have cops going after girls for BJs.
stfu and get a lawyer. Those are the two best things she can do
Grace Preston's Avatar
From your description-- she was likely nailed for prostitution. If she lawyers up and fights it.. she can probably get it knocked down to a Class C.

In my case-- I was fortunate that I got popped at the door before any service or discussion of service was entered into. Made it much easier to get out of it.
ahab11's Avatar
Fight that BS charge but if it's her first offense they will offer deferred adjudication with 6 months probation and community service.
MYQUEST's Avatar
Any recommendations on a good lawyer with experience?
Fourth and Goal's Avatar
Lawyer will want 5k retainer for misdeamor. Can she get a public defender?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dude, people are just going to tell you to reach out to Shyster Jon on here. You've been on this board longer than I have so I assume you know that already.
Retired lawyer here and a few facts are absent. If she is a permanent resident of US, a minor misdemeanor should not affect her immigration status. Also, minor misdemeanor of that age tend to get either “age-purged” or bargained down to probation and/or fine only offenses. Misdemeanor courts are the money machines for the county government. Plus, check to see if officer is still active. If retired, left force, etc., little incentive to prosecute. Another good comment above: STFU without attorney present.
MYQUEST's Avatar
The biggest problem is the language barrier. I am sure she did not understand half of what was being said when arrested. She has to translate and even then it doesn't always come out correctly. Finding someone to represent her that understands her native probably won't happen.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Will all of the real crime we have, it ridiculous do have cops going after girls for BJs. Originally Posted by MYQUEST

True, but we don't know all the facts. The encounter with LE may have been sparked by a complaint from neighbors, residential or commercial, depending on the location; or, if at a hotel or motel, from a staffer therein.

I'm just saying that I doubt they were looking at online ads and specifically targeted this individual, and that it's unlikely that investigative prowess was more to blame than some Gladys Kravitz.