Samantha Powers addressed AIPAC and said the following:
“The United States of America will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, Period”
Sound familiar to another lie made by Team Obama?

Israel better watch out.....Powers just told the world, Nukes Are Coming To Iran.

Samantha Powers = the Gruber of Obama foreign policy.
My goodness....something that doesn't fit with your absurd lying bullshit narrative, so you immediately go into spin mode...even responding to your own OP. Fucking knucklehead.

The irony of your lying ass calling anybody else a liar is beyond your limited capacity to comprehend but give it a try.

Any more commentary on your bullshit "Obama is banning AR-15 ammo"?

Or, maybe you have more insights into your nonsensical rant that the US plans to shoot down any Israeli warplanes flying into Iranian airspace?

Lying sack of shit.
Keep drinking the Obama juice.......you are the dumbfuck who believed Obama when he lied to America telling us:

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period."

It is no surprise that a dumbfuck like yourself would believe Team Obama when they tell us the same regarding Iranian nukes.

And you agreed that Obama is banning ammo for the AR-15...go back and read what you wrote, you dumbfuck.

My goodness....something that doesn't fit with your absurd lying bullshit narrative, so you immediately go into spin mode...even responding to your own OP. Fucking knucklehead.

The irony of your lying ass calling anybody else a liar is beyond your limited capacity to comprehend but give it a try.

Any more commentary on your bullshit "Obama is banning AR-15 ammo"?

Or, maybe you have more insights into your nonsensical rant that the US plans to shoot down any Israeli warplanes flying into Iranian airspace?

Lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by timpage
rioseco's Avatar
My goodness....something that doesn't fit with your absurd lying bullshit narrative, so you immediately go into spin mode...even responding to your own OP. Fucking knucklehead.

The irony of your lying ass calling anybody else a liar is beyond your limited capacity to comprehend but give it a try.

Any more commentary on your bullshit "Obama is banning AR-15 ammo"?

Or, maybe you have more insights into your nonsensical rant that the US plans to shoot down any Israeli warplanes flying into Iranian airspace?

Lying sack of shit. Originally Posted by timpage

When the Obama Machine's mouth is moving, it is generally a lie.
We saw the MO when trying to pass healthcare; Team Obama willing to lie, obfuscate, and otherwise attack others for the sole purpose of getting their corrupt legislation approved.

The very same methods Team Obama is employing with regards to the Iranian nuke talks; lie, obfuscate, otherwise attack others for the sole purpose of getting a deal done with Iran - a very bad deal for America, Israel, and the region. A deal that they don't want Congress and America to be privy to.

When the Obama Machine's mouth is moving, it is generally a lie. Originally Posted by rioseco