
Yup, the title pretty much says it all, lol.

I want to acknowledge all the wonderful people (I am reticent to use the words: providers and hobbyists - many of you are much more to me than that) I've met and/or exchanged phone calls, PM's, e-mails and text messages with. In the 1 year and one month of my hobby life, I have experienced a lot (and that's a feckin understatement), but I wouldn't change anything. Well...perhaps for a few lame ass sessions. Haha...I'm teasing (not).

So, without making this into a whole tear jerker (or laugh fest), I will simply wish you all a fond farwell (I'll still lurk from time to time, I think). Shit, I can't wait for the: "I'll see you in one month, Neo, after you unretire." haha. Take care and treat each other well.

As many of you know, music is a huge part of my life and lyrics often speak to how I feel. I think the following song is apropos for this occasion:

Compulsion (a remake) by Martin Gore (of Depeche Mode fame) - originally penned by Joe Crow

Charms in limited supply
And refusing to stretch
That indefinable nothing
Somehow keeps pushing you
Finding the right words
Can be a problem
How many times must it be said
There’s no plan
It had to happen

Got to move on sometime
And it’s about time
By putting one foot in front of another
And repeating the process
Cross over the street
You’re free to change your mind
Strength through diversity
Couldn’t have put it more plainly
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime

Charms in limited supply
Under threat of extinction
That indefinable nothing
Somehow motivates you
Finding the right words
Can be a problem
How many times must it be said
There’s no plan
It had to happen

Got to move on sometime
And it’s about time
By putting one foot in front of another
And repeating the process
Cross over the street
You’re free to change your mind
Strength through diversity
Couldn’t have put it more plainly
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime (it's about time)
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime (it's about time)

Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime
Got to move on sometime
  • PT4ME
  • 06-27-2010, 08:02 AM
"Happy Trails" my good man. Although I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, I have enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck in whatever you may choose to occupy the time spent here. I took some time "off" but had little success replacing this.... I wish you luck and if you do happen back, well...... we'll cross that bridge if we come to it!

Take care!
I'll see you in one month, Neo, after you unretire.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Wow... I'm in shock.

I'm glad we had the chance to meet earlier this month, and I was hoping for more. I was away from the hobby for 4 years, hardly a day went by without thinking about it, so don't underestimate its pull.

I wish you all the best in all your endeavors. Take care of yourself and the ninja kitties.

Uh, you're not taking CanDo01 with you, are you?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-27-2010, 08:45 AM
Aww baby, we will miss you....But I truly wish you all the luck in the future on your
new journey.....pop in and say hello....Well I hope you will at least still come to the
get togethers..............
St.Mateo's Avatar
Dont worry there will be another gathering at the Lodge and he wont be able to stay away lol

Take care and give the ninja kitties a hug and a Dorito for me. Good luck in whatever you do. Thanks for the memories! We will miss you!

Well now maybe I can get some time with Jade M . JK I'm sure you have your reasons and if you care to share them with me via pm, I would appreciate it.

If not I understand, I loved your positive post's and the fact that you never got into messy crap on this board. You always kept everything light and fun the way hobbying should be. If you are going back to Russia let me know I've got a couple of requests. Sorry we didn't get that sake like we talked about

Take care bro you will be missed. We need more like you here..
Alright man, I'm starting your counter...Days since last incident...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
good luck hun
ill miss your posts i always get a kick out of em
drez63's Avatar
I've always liked reding your posts and respected your slant on things.......take care and good'll be missed
and to quote one of my fave songwriters, " Walkin down that long and lonesome road, where I'm bound I cant tell.....good bye is too good a word, so I'll just say fare thee well" Dylan
TexRich's Avatar
von con dios.
Caliban's Avatar

You will be missed!

I always enjoyed reading your reviews. They motivated me to embrace my freaky side and work on my stamina.

Good luck to you in your retirement. If it turns out that this is just a sabbatical to clear your head, I'll enjoy seeing you return to our little world.
  • T-Can
  • 06-27-2010, 10:13 AM
Uber ghey douchebag!!!