Haribo Gummy Reviews

Have yall heard of these or tried them? I'm kind of curious. Read these reviews on them!


Here is one of my favorites....

“I was glued to the toilet seat. Streams of fire burst from my colon. When i wasnt experiencing Satans fury exploding from my rear, i was laying in the fetal position on my bathroom floor, sobbing and asking for forgiveness. Im a 280 pound man. I. Was. Sobbing.
When it was finally over, i couldnt move. I crawled onto the floor one last time and sat, motionless, until my dehydration finally required that i drink water. The other reviews are perfectly accurate. This is absolutely, 100% true.
Eat two at a time. Three if you’re brave. But for the love of God and all things on this earth, DO NOT EAT ANY MORE.”
I don't have experience with the Haribo gummies, but a few years ago I bought some sugar free candy and ate quite a few not knowing what would happen and experienced symptoms similar to what that review said. Sugar alcohols are nothing to fuck around with ...
Hilarious Reviews!!!!!

Would be a good prank.
OMG. These reviews had me laughing and crying! Their poor asses!
red14me's Avatar
Why didn't y'all warn me about those reviews, because I just burst out in uncontrollable laughter during class.