Can Men and Women that are Attracted to each other Just be friends?

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Is it possible to be attracted to one another and Still keep from ripping each others clothes off?

Can you be friends And be Hot for each other??

What about Providers and Hobbyist? Since we're already considered "Slutty" because of this lifestyle.

I've had people ask me if my guy friends knew what I did for a living? Then, it's followed with....Have they come to see you at work?? You know..."Seeeeeee You" at work before??

Aaaaa yeah, no. They're My Friends!

And, I'm friends with some real cuties too. Hey....does that mean they don't think I'm a Hot? Those bastards! j/k

Can men and women be Just friends if there is Mutual attraction between them??

~Kelly TNT

gtcruiser's Avatar
Yes as long as you both can resist the urge to do it! For most once sex enters the door, friendship goes out the window. The statement of "Can't we be just friends" is the sign of the end. Now I will also say that there are exceptions to ever rule, so the question becomes can you keep that way, because the guy maybe thinking with the small head. And that head only has one thing in mind. I am not sure any guy in is right mind would not want to stick it to unless of course he is gay!

My nickels worth.
aRandyOne's Avatar
I was thinking the very same thing myself this morning while watching "When Harry met Sally". I don't think it can be done.
Very hard to be just friends when attracted to each other. Sex is a powerfull force. You have to take steps to make sure your never in a position to act on those emotions. Never be alone together, etc. And if you do act on it, you will never be "just friends" again. Very tough.

I had a stripper friend who I was so in lust with. I wanted her so bad! And, we did play a little in the club but never too much, We went to lunch, out drinking, etc. But, I could never do anything. I was her friend and she trusted me many times to take care of her if she got too drunk at work. I even slept with her one night when she was having a bad time. We cuddled and that was it. Hardest night of sleep I ever had. In more ways than one! She even offered several times but I was too worried about what it would do to our friendship. Thanks goodness she moved away. I doubt I could have held out much longer. But, I think I would have felt worse if I had violated her trust in me or taken her up on her offer. Sex is easy to get, friends are hard to come by.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
No, unless chastity belts and iron cups are involved.

Sorry, take it from a so-called "mature" chick (aka life-experienced), you can be acquaintances, co-workers, neighbors, but you really can't be close no-boot-knockin' buddies with someone you're hot to lasso and ride. Just too much temptation for the human libido, cowgirl.
does it count if you have sex but just remain buddies?
I don't think you can do it if you give in to the urge. Its impossible to go back to just having a platonic relationship if that happens. If you stick to your guns from the beginning though, and never cross the line....maybe.
No Not in the hobby or any part of life.
does it count if you have sex but just remain buddies? Originally Posted by monkmonk
That's a good point; especially if you were friends before you slept together (had that bond) and decided later that the friendship could/should continue.
SASpurfan's Avatar

I think you are extremely hot and consider you a friend, as well. Since neither of us has ripped each other's clothing off to date, I think the answer to your question is yes.

Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Yes and No. Let me explain.

I lost my wife in a car wreck in 2001. Until then, we were great friends with a number of couples and single friends. Once I was "single" again, I found out that several of our friends became very available and agressive, both married and single.

As an example, the maid of honor (divorced at the time) came over about 5 months after my loss, and basically F'd the hell out of me "for my own good." She would do this periodically over the next 5 years. She is now remarried, but she has never flirted with me since she remarried, but there is a look between us which only the two of us have.

A married friend came over about the same time, and begged me to "do her" and has continued for the past 9 years, but I have never given in because of her husband, and only out of respect for him.

IMO, almost all women and men who are friends, consider hooking up in their mind. Whether they act on it or not, always depends.
slims099's Avatar
Not really. If a guy is friends with a woman, it's cause he wants to bang her sooner or later. Such a harsh reality isn't it? Typically GAY men can be good friends with women, but not straight men. Women need to stick with women friends and just bang whatever guy they want since that's usually what's easiest and most efficient!
krusty's Avatar
No, eventually alcohol or nature will set the wheels in motion..
Bluedrummer's Avatar

Are you breaking up with me??
No, eventually alcohol or nature will set the wheels in motion.. Originally Posted by krusty

That's the gods honest truth. You can never always avoid the situation where opertunity will present itself. You may go a long time and never have the oppertunity, but mark my words one day it will and then the lassoing and riding happens and the friends end is done. I had a few ladies in my past that i was in this exact situation, we were great friends and extremely hot for eachother and held off the temptation for a good amount of time. Then bang..... one day we crossed paths alone and it was on. Friendship went out the window after the sex stopped.