New Poll Shows Hillary Crushing Republitards

This might just make JD the Idiot's head explode.

A new poll shows Hillary trouncing each and every republitard candidate. Even with 60 percent saying that she isn't trustworthy, she still wins.
Guess which candidate is leading the pack in the ever-growing Republicant Presidential?

Drum roll please:

LexusLover's Avatar
"Hillary Clinton dominates among Democratic voters nationwide, with 57 percent, compared to 60 percent April 23."

Let's see 3 points in a month x 12 months = 36 points from 57 points = 21%

She's "heading in the wrong direction" in her "campaign."
Guess which candidate is leading the pack in the ever-growing Republicant Presidential?

Drum roll please:

Undecided! Originally Posted by bigtex

"Hillary Clinton dominates among Democratic voters nationwide, with 57 percent, compared to 60 percent April 23."

Let's see 3 points in a month x 12 months = 36 points from 57 points = 21%

She's "heading in the wrong direction" in her "campaign." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hmmm, I wonder who will win the Presidency should Hillary win the Democratic nomination and Undecided wins the Republican nomination.
"Hillary Clinton dominates among Democratic voters nationwide, with 57 percent, compared to 60 percent April 23."

Let's see 3 points in a month x 12 months = 36 points from 57 points = 21%

She's "heading in the wrong direction" in her "campaign." Originally Posted by LexusLover
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Considering it's a year and a half out to the election, and Hillary is only polling 50% or better against Donald Trump, it's not looking that good for Hillary. She's only in the 40s against the other Republicans. Hillary is not a good campaigner. If you're a Hillary supporter, I'd be worried. Not that it matters.
I thought the same thing;

With all the money, media, and monopoly on DNC machinery, she should be crushing the opposition in head-to-head polls against guys like Trump and Huckabee.

She isn't polling over 50%. How is that good news?

Considering it's a year and a half out to the election, and Hillary is only polling 50% or better against Donald Trump, it's not looking that good for Hillary. She's only in the 40s against the other Republicans. Hillary is not a good campaigner. If you're a Hillary supporter, I'd be worried. Not that it matters. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I thought the same thing;

With all the money, media, and monopoly on DNC machinery, she should be crushing the opposition in head-to-head polls against guys like Trump and Huckabee.

She isn't polling over 50%. How is that good news? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Spin it all you want, she's beating the republicans. There are 8 of them so far, by the time it's finished it will be the biggest collection of dumbshits to ever take a stage. They will eat each other alive to see who can be the most conservative and in the end, no one wins.
If she is polling at 40%, that just proves that 40% of the American Electorate are complete morons.
If she is polling at 40%, that just proves that 40% of the American Electorate are complete morons. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not necessarily. Either candidate who ends up being their party's representative is going to have issues. I simply can't vote for someone who isn't socially liberal. Based on Bill and how the economy went while he was in office, I can live with her financially. Is she cunty? Yes, but that's not enough of a reason for me to ever put up with any of the 8 dumbasses that conservatives have marched out there.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It really doesn't matter. Whoever wins we are all screwed. However, I am warming up to Rand Paul, but he has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination. Our headlong slide into statist fascism will not be slowed by any of the "electable" candidates.

But Hillary is vulnerable. No doubt about it.
30seconds's Avatar
Demorat or repubtard does it really matter as they are two sides of the same coin. It amazes me that people by into this bullshit like its their football team winning. Both parties will fuck you. Obummers agenda is about the same as shrubs. The police state continues to advance, you loose you rights-but hey your sides winning right?
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-29-2015, 05:55 PM
Demorat or repubtard does it really matter as they are two sides of the same coin. It amazes me that people by into this bullshit like its their football team winning. Both parties will fuck you. Obummers agenda is about the same as shrubs. The police state continues to advance, you loose you rights-but hey your sides winning right? Originally Posted by 30seconds

Had to give you props on one of the most adult statements to come out of the PF in years.

(You probably aughta throw in some creative insults and made up names if you wanna last here.)
Demorat or repubtard does it really matter as they are two sides of the same coin. It amazes me that people by into this bullshit like its their football team winning. Both parties will fuck you. Obummers agenda is about the same as shrubs. The police state continues to advance, you loose you rights-but hey your sides winning right? Originally Posted by 30seconds
This is the most true statement I've ever seen on these boards. It's exactly like cheering for your favorite sports team. In the end, nobody wins.
Polls are more or less meaningless at this point. This is all just mental masturbation until the primaries are in full swing.