ADIOS, AMERICA.............

  • On building a border wall: “People who live in gated communities tell us fences don’t work.”

  • On welfare: “Today’s immigrants aren’t coming here to breathe free, they’re coming to live for free.”

  • On how the media shut down the immigration debate: “It can be difficult to discuss America’s immigration policies when it’s considered racist merely to say, ‘We liked America the way it was.’”

  • The Democrats have always regarded “immigration reform” as a way to stuff the ballot box—starting with Ted Kennedy’s immigration law of 1965.

  • The Democrats know that by changing the makeup of our population they can deliver themselves a permanent majority. Immigration “amnesty” will do just that overnight; continuing our current legal immigration policy will do it within ten or twenty years.

We need to stop this madness.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 06-03-2015, 11:39 AM
not who I want leading the charge, but the points she makes ring true.
  • shanm
  • 06-03-2015, 11:39 AM
Ann Coulter: "You have something like 2.4 TRILLION () people in the world living on $2 a year"

Actual statistic: "2.2 billion people live on $2/day"

Comparison statistic: it is estimated that a total of 108 billion humans have ever lived on earth. EVER.

LMFAO. Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be allowed anywhere near a TV, let alone write an opinionated "NYtimes best seller".

But, what the hell, I guess it's a free country.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Talk about an ignorant, anorexic, lying slunt...

I thought for a second Whir-LIE-turd was leaving!


The Idiot Jihad continues!
I did too.
The racket called asylum allows a foreigner to claim without proof that he faces persecution in his home country, and then he can qualify for admission to the U.S. plus generous financial support by the U.S. taxpayers. The Tsarnaev family, whose sons bombed the Boston Marathon, were admitted after phony claims of persecution and then cashed in for $100,000 in U.S. handouts.
How many times are we told we need more immigration to keep our economy going?
Somehow the idea that the mass importation of poor people is good for the economy has caught on like a runaway train. Everyone agrees!” Coulter writes in the third chapter.

These claims refer to the size of the entire economy, which inevitably expands the more humans we have living here. So does your household budget if I move in to your extra bedroom. The cost of your electricity, cable TV, water, food, newspaper subscriptions, Netflix subscription, and overdue books will go through the roof. But don’t worry, I’ll be writing you a check for $250 a month. Unfortunately, I will be eating $400 worth of food every month. So the size of your household GNP has increased, but you aren’t ahead of the game. I am ahead of the game. The entire benefit is captured by moi..
LMFAO. Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be allowed anywhere near a TV, let alone write an opinionated "NYtimes best seller". Originally Posted by shanm
It's almost as bad as thinking the USA has 57 states.
  • Makj
  • 06-03-2015, 02:49 PM
Ann Coulter: "You have something like 2.4 TRILLION () people in the world living on $2 a year"

Actual statistic: "2.2 billion people live on $2/day"

Comparison statistic: it is estimated that a total of 108 billion humans have ever lived on earth. EVER.

LMFAO. Anyone who doesn't know the difference between a trillion and a billion should not be allowed anywhere near a TV, let alone write an opinionated "NYtimes best seller".

But, what the hell, I guess it's a free country. Originally Posted by shanm

You clueless twit....anyone that can't tell when an author is clearly using exaggeration while saying "2 Trillion people" shouldn't be allowed to comment.
Too bad. I thought you were leaving.

What a cunt. I guess she can add "race-baiting demagogue" to her resume.
  • shanm
  • 06-03-2015, 03:45 PM

You clueless twit....anyone that can't tell when an author is clearly using exaggeration while saying "2 Trillion people" shouldn't be allowed to comment. Originally Posted by Makj
"you have something like 2.4 trillion people in the uni...err world that live on $2 a year"...

Hmmmm doesn't seem like rhetoric to me. Especially when the actual number hovers around the exact same...except in billions.

Sounds more like an ignorant bitch who didn't pay enough attention in school.

She clearly has no idea what the human population is....2 Trillion? Jesus Christ. Seems like she just read the statistic somewhere and it didn't even register with her how utterly absurd TWO TRILLION sounds.

A rock could probably tell you better.
You should quit digging a hole you voted for the guy who can't correctly count the number of states (50 for dummies like yourself).

"you have something like 2.4 trillion people in the uni...err world that live on $2 a year"...

Hmmmm doesn't seem like rhetoric to me. Especially when the actual number hovers around the exact same...except in billions.

Sounds more like an ignorant bitch who didn't pay enough attention in school.

She clearly has no idea what the human population is....2 Trillion? Jesus Christ. Seems like she just read the statistic somewhere and it didn't even register with her how utterly absurd TWO TRILLION sounds.

A rock could probably tell you better. Originally Posted by shanm
You would think Shamwow would get it....

It's almost as bad as thinking the USA has 57 states. Originally Posted by filbone
Chapter 13......

"In 2008, the world’s richest man, Carlos Slim Helu, (above) saved the Times from bankruptcy. When that guy saves your company, you dance to his tune. So it’s worth mentioning that Slim’s fortune depends on tens of millions of Mexicans living in the United States, preferably illegally.

Frequently listed as the richest man in the world, Slim acquired his fortune through a corrupt inside deal giving him a monopoly on telecommunications services in Mexico. But in order to make money from his monopoly, Slim needs lots of Mexicans living in the United States, sending money to their relatives back in Oaxaca. Otherwise, Mexicans couldn’t pay him—and they wouldn’t have much need for phone service, either—other than to call in ransom demands.

Back in 2004—before the Times became Slim’s pimp—a Times article stated: “Clearly . . . the nation’s southern border is under siege.” But that was before Carlos Slim saved the Times from bankruptcy. Ten years later, with a border crisis even worse than in 2004, and Latin Americans pouring across the border, the Times indignantly demanded that Obama “go big” on immigration and give “millions of immigrants permission to stay.” What a difference one thieving Mexican billionaire makes!"