Alcee Hastings Drops it on Texas Like It's Hot

Absolutely no fucks were given by Mr. Hastings
  • shanm
  • 06-03-2015, 11:24 PM

True thug
I don't care what anyone says, that was funny!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Albee Hastings has been an idiot for decades. He was impeached and removed from a judgeship before he ran for Congress. Corrupt then, corrupt now.
Albee Hastings has been an idiot for decades. He was impeached and removed from a judgeship before he ran for Congress. Corrupt then, corrupt now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't care whether he's an idiot or not, that was some funny-ass shit.
Albee Hastings has been an idiot for decades. He was impeached and removed from a judgeship before he ran for Congress. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COIdiot, even if true, you've "been an Idiot for decades" and that hasn't stopped you from posting 24,000+ times. Why should being "an Idiot" stop him if it hasn't stopped you? Do you deserve preferential "Idiot" treatment, just because you've been "an Idiot" longer?

Corrupt then, corrupt now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So? You were an Idiot then, Idiot now.

With all of that said, that link was funny as hell!
  • DSK
  • 06-04-2015, 05:34 AM

True thug Originally Posted by shanm
cheerleader Originally Posted by DSK
Aside from John Stewart's juvenile antics, what's so humorous about Rep Hasting's rude, unprofessional, and ignorant behavior?
Aside from John Stewart's juvenile antics, what's so humorous about Rep Hasting's rude, unprofessional, and ignorant behavior? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Good question, Jackie!

To me what was so humorous about the clip was Rep. Hasting's snappy comebacks that he gave to the arrogant and condescending questions that were being asked of him.

As far as I am concerned, the questioner got exactly what he deserved.

Even though I am a lifelong Texan, I thought it was funny as hell!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-04-2015, 09:31 AM
Yea it was funny. But that cocksucker Hastings should be in prison, getting butt fucked.
Hastings started it with his unsolicited remark about Texas.

Well, fuck him.

And I just love John Stewart's antics. Like a kid sitting in 6th grade class who just heard the teacher cut a fart.
Good question, Jackie!

To me what was so humorous about the clip was Rep. Hasting's snappy comebacks that he gave to the arrogant and condescending questions that were being asked of him.

As far as I am concerned, the questioner got exactly what he deserved.

Even though I am a lifelong Texan, I thought it was funny as hell! Originally Posted by bigtex
I have to agree with Jackie on this.

What exactly was funny about what Hastings said?

Basically he said that he hated Texas and would not live there for all the tea in China. Which is mighty strange coming from somebody from Florida.

I think most people in this country would rather move to Texas than move to Florida.

Stewart tried to make it funny with his antics, but that is his addition not Hastings.
  • shanm
  • 06-04-2015, 10:54 AM

Basically he said that he hated Texas and would not live there for all the tea in China. Which is mighty strange coming from somebody from Florida.

I think most people in this country would rather move to Texas than move to Florida.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
If you actually watch the unedited full version, Stewart said the exact same about Florida right after the part where he says "where's this gentleman from anyway". LOL

Even without Stewarts addition I feel that it is pretty funny. Especially when the Texan asks for an apology and Hasting's answer is "you will wait until hell freezes over!".
The music is a nice touch.

Youtube top comment is even funnier:

HOLY SHIT, how does this guy get through metal detectors with those Titanium, adamantium wolverine boulders he calls testicles in his pants! Conservatives probably salty as fuck in these comments after all the shit they gotten away with. I don't even like democrats but HOLY shit if negative fucks could be given this guy would be in Fuckruptcy! Obama going to have to bail him out with a Fucks Stimulus plan! The IDGAF Stimulus package.
Aside from John Stewart's juvenile antics, what's so humorous about Rep Hasting's rude, unprofessional, and ignorant behavior? Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's not aimed at anyone who uses the phrase 'juvenile antics'. You are not their target audience.