Another dozen bite the dust...

ISIS Fighter Brags About Mission On Social Media. This Is How The U.S. Air Force Responded.

“I love when the bad guys are stupid.”

B. Christopher Agee June 5, 2015 at 11:13am

According to a recent Air Force Times report, at least one successful air strike against ISIS was facilitated by a terrorist’s infatuation with social media. U.S. Air Force Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle recently shared details of that mission during a recent speech.

Researching further, they were able to find him “bragging about command in control capabilities for Daesh, ISIL, and these guys go, ‘Ah, we got an in.’”

After some diligent research and analysis, the Air Force was able to pinpoint the location of the command, sending out fighter jets less than 24 hours after they first found the incriminating post.

He explained that three guided bombs dropped on the building were able to take out the target completely.

“Through social media,” he emphasized. “It was a post on social media. Bombs on target in 22 hours.”

It has likewise been through social media that ridicule of the terrorist involved has since spread.

“I love when the bad guys are stupid,” wrote one Twitter use.

Another declared that “we need more dumb daesh like him!”

While most seemed to agree with social commentators who declared the raid a “feel-good story,” at least one wondered why it took as long as it did.

“How far up the chain of command did this sortie have to go to be micromanaged by the WH?” the critic wondered.
Guess this means that woomby and shammy will be mourning the loss of one of their fellow idiot "brothers" in their jihad against western civilization. Guess they'll "stump break" some goats in his memory. Or half off their rim jobs and reach arounds to celebrate their "brothers" "genius" . :blowup :

Three strikes and they're ALL out !!
Guess this means that woomby and shammy will be mourning the loss of one of their fellow idiot "brothers" in their jihad against western civilization. Guess they'll "stump break" some goats in his memory. Or half off their rim jobs and reach arounds to celebrate their "brothers" "genius" . :blowup :

Three strikes and they're ALL out !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
While you're busy celebrating, think about this. Why are we disclosing the way in which we find and track the enemy, to the media? Hmmmm.
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  • WTF
  • 06-05-2015, 07:20 PM
While you're busy celebrating, think about this. Why are we disclosing the way in which we find and track the enemy, to the media? Hmmmm. Originally Posted by WombRaider
that was exactly my thoughts....
That's no ISIS fighter in that picture I'll tell ya that.

That's no ISIS fighter in that picture I'll tell ya that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not all terrorists are brown.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Beer battered bullshit. I agree with both WormRaper and WPF. I'm going to puke.
While you're busy celebrating, think about this. Why are we disclosing the way in which we find and track the enemy, to the media? Hmmmm. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Might it be that your muzzie loving hero odummer wants his "brothas" to know how we are going after them ? He, as Chief of the Armed forces, can tell the services, or have his lap dog Sec.Def. tell every one, to quit being glory hounds and STFU any day. And threaten them with punishment like he does all the conservative groups petitioning for exempt status with the IRS or the way he threatens police officers. But as big of a narcissist as HE is, it adds to his legacy, the only thing he's ever cared about since taking office, to LOOK tough in foreign affairs. Mad Vlad Putin sure is afraid of him !! Just like the rebels in Yemen are. Operational security for the military has been a joke for a long time.
Might it be that your muzzie loving hero odummer wants his "brothas" to know how we are going after them ? He, as Chief of the Armed forces, can tell the services, or have his lap dog Sec.Def. tell every one, to quit being glory hounds and STFU any day. And threaten them with punishment like he does all the conservative groups petitioning for exempt status with the IRS or the way he threatens police officers. But as big of a narcissist as HE is, it adds to his legacy, the only thing he's ever cared about since taking office, to LOOK tough in foreign affairs. Mad Vlad Putin sure is afraid of him !! Just like the rebels in Yemen are. Operational security for the military has been a joke for a long time. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You've been a joke since you escaped the hanger that should've taken care of you. You're an absolute fucking troglodyte. Now go look up what that means.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You've been a joke since you escaped the hanger that should've taken care of you. You're an absolute fucking troglodyte. Now go look up what that means. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Now THAT'S how we foster serious debate!
Now THAT'S how we foster serious debate! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I know that reading comprehension is not your strong suit, but you do remember what I said, don't you? I said I'm all for debate with people that really want to have it. Have you ever read any of Rey's posts? He's not interested in debate. He's interested in finding out which fictitious gloryhole I work at, so he can come stick his dick in my mouth. I mean look at his first post in this thread. Does that sound like someone who actually wants to discuss the issues?

You get dealt with on an individual basis with me. You show respect, you get it back. Look at Jackie S. He and I don't talk to each other like that, because he's never come at me that way. I wish I could treat everyone the same, but that's like believing the terrorists will leave us alone if we just treat them nice. It ain't happening.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's see, you're posting 40+ posts per day. How many have engaged in thoughtful discourse? Precious few. You make no sense. You have no points to make. We know you're an atheist, and pretty damn insecure about it by the way you talk. You should get together with the God Fauxing Christian. He can take you to his church where communion is beer and a BJ. You're annoying and boring, and you fill this board with more bullshit than Assup ever dreamed of. Assup doesn't even show up that much. He knows he's losing his title to you. It's a damn shame. You're a delusional liar and a hypocrite. And worse. You're boring. The only reason people respond to you is because it's fun to watch you melt down. But the act is getting old. Just when we thought the intellectual level of this forum could not sink any lower, you showed up and took us to depths of inanity never before experienced. Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on.
Let's see, you're posting 40+ posts per day. How many have engaged in thoughtful discourse? Precious few. You make no sense. You have no points to make. We know you're an atheist, and pretty damn insecure about it by the way you talk. You should get together with the God Fauxing Christian. He can take you to his church where communion is beer and a BJ. You're annoying and boring, and you fill this board with more bullshit than Assup ever dreamed of. Assup doesn't even show up that much. He knows he's losing his title to you. It's a damn shame. You're a delusional liar and a hypocrite. And worse. You're boring. The only reason people respond to you is because it's fun to watch you melt down. But the act is getting old. Just when we thought the intellectual level of this forum could not sink any lower, you showed up and took us to depths of inanity never before experienced. Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Put me on ignore, then. Because I'm a strident atheist, you assume insecurity. Perhaps that's your own insecurity about what you believe, that you're projecting onto me. I know very well what I believe. I should have known this board would be full of conservatives. They're always the ones getting caught with their pants down. They point the finger at everyone else, yelling 'deviant', when it's they who are the true deviants. You live out your lives in public, faking it for all your 'friends'. At least I'm not that.
Put me on ignore, then. Because I'm a strident atheist, you assume insecurity. Perhaps that's your own insecurity about what you believe, that you're projecting onto me. I know very well what I believe. I should have known this board would be full of conservatives. They're always the ones getting caught with their pants down. They point the finger at everyone else, yelling 'deviant', when it's they who are the true deviants. You live out your lives in public, faking it for all your 'friends'. At least I'm not that. Originally Posted by WombRaider
huh huh huh aaaa...