Apparently the Texas A & M Mathematician did not consult with JDIdiot!

Shame on the Aggie for not consulting with our resident expert!


Conspiracy theorists have suggested various outlandish theories including the idea that the flight was abducted by aliens.

But the reality may be a little more prosaic, according to applied mathematician Dr. Goong Chen of Texas A&M University.

His computer models suggest that the flight entered a vertical dive over the Indian Ocean, entering the water cleanly and without breaking up.

The simulated crash solves some of the mysteries surrounding MH370 — such as the lack of debris and spilled oil on the surface.

Dr. Chen suggests that the plane’s body and wings sank rapidly — explaining the lack of an oil slick on the surface.

Dr. Chen says, “The true final moments of MH370 are likely to remain a mystery until someday when its black box is finally recovered and decoded.

“But forensics strongly supports that MH370 plunged into the ocean in a nosedive.”
cptjohnstone's Avatar
he is an Aggie, that is all that needs to said

and their baseball team isn't any better
he is an Aggie, that is all that needs to said

and their baseball team isn't any better Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Capn', are you in agreement with JDIdiot that the missing Malaysian Airlines 777 was hijacked and parked on a remote island, under the cover of camouflaged netting and Shrub's?
  • DSK
  • 06-09-2015, 09:43 PM
Why not just get an old 777 near the end of it's life, put in drone type controls, and splash that mother right into the ocean, and see if it sinks without a trace?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I've watched a much smaller plane moving at a high rate of speed (an A-7 Corsair II) hit the water and it disintegrated on impact. Math if fun but real life is different. I bet this guy also does climate models.
I've watched a much smaller plane moving at a high rate of speed (an A-7 Corsair II) hit the water and it disintegrated on impact. Math if fun but real life is different. I bet this guy also does climate models. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
But have you ever actually "watched" them hide a Malaysian Airlines 777 on a remote island and carefully concealed by camouflaged netting and wilted shrubs?
I've watched a much smaller plane moving at a high rate of speed (an A-7 Corsair II) hit the water and it disintegrated on impact. Math if fun but real life is different. I bet this guy also does climate models. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're typing on whatever it is your typing on, because of math, dumbass. Real life is different?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Capn', are you in agreement with JDIdiot that the missing Malaysian Airlines 777 was hijacked and parked on a remote island, under the cover of camouflaged netting and Shrub's? Originally Posted by bigtex
he could be right
he could be right Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Granted, his far fetched conspiracy theory could be right. The percentages are no doubt, much less than 1%, but who's counting. Right?

In any event, the much more likely scenario would be that JDIdiot could be wrong.

Of course, you totally ignored the more likely possibility that JDIdiot could be wrong. Oh how shocking!

But go right ahead and join JDIdiot in his far fetched conspiracy theory. You two can compare wild and outlandish stories about who in the hell knows what.

You two Conpiracy Theorists deserve each other!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As far fetched as JD's theory is, it's always a safer bet that BigTexasTurd is wrong.
I have a feeling if you nose dived a 777 at over 300 mph into an ocean of salt water, it would splatter like a tomato getting hit with a baseball bat.

I still fail to see the big mystery. The Indian Ocean is a big place, and it's deep.

And at last count, the investgators can't tell anybody where, within s 1500 mile radius, the plane even went down.
he could be right Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
As far fetched as JD's theory is, it's always a safer bet that BigTexasTurd is wrong. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I still fail to see the big mystery. The Indian Ocean is a big place, and it's deep.

And at last count, the investgators can't tell anybody where, within s 1500 mile radius, the plane even went down. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, yours is a theory I could easily buy into. it is certainly much more feasible than JDIdiot, COIdiot and the Cap'n far-fetched, shrub covered, Conspiracy Theory.

I will let our resident Conspiracy Theorists while away the hours, searching 'hither and yon' for a shrub covered 777, conveniently tucked away on some remote island, way out in the middle of Who-In-The-Fuck-Knows-Where-Ville.

If their search proves futile, perhaps the 3 Stooges might want to look under the Rock of Gibraltar.

You just never know!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
In 1966 a Nigerian Airliner was hijacked. It landed somewhere in the jungle, let its passengers go and then flew off with the hijackers.

Guess where that plane ended up a year later?
In 1966 a Nigerian Airliner was hijacked. It landed somewhere in the jungle, let its passengers go and then flew off with the hijackers.

Guess where that plane ended up a year later? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Do you have a link for this?