UN Calls For Legalizing Prostitution

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The article thinks the ideas promoted by the UN, those of legalizing consensual sex and decriminalizing IV drug use are bad. I disagree. I hate to agree with anything the UN does, but these are good ideas.


joe bloe's Avatar
This could take some of the sting out of one world government!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! I was thinking that, too!
Would help in matters of disease, drug, and human trafficking
matters. Also, think of the revenue .
That's a lot of fucking money. Pun intended.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The real question is why are there any laws governing consensual sex between adults in the first place.
Should what we as individuals do with our bodies be the responsibility of anyone but ourselves?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dammit, 2D, we have to have government telling us what to do. God knows what we might choose if left to make our own decisions. We might even drink raw milk, or play a guitar built with illegal wood.

Say, would legalizing prostitution do away with illegal wood?