So.. Flossing is a Fraud?

Chung Tran's Avatar

in recent years I've heard flossing is associated with many benefits, including reduced heart disease.. which never made sense, because Asian countries who've never seen floss have among the lowest rates of heart disease.
I floss primarily to get out all the stuck pubes.
Flossing with pubes...yowza...
Not sure I believe this study. If I stop flossing for a couple weeks, my gums feel sensitive, and they bleed for a while when I start again. Gums need stimulation, plaque removal or not.
CG2014's Avatar
Old joke from when I was in high school in the early 80's:

"Why do tampons have strings?

So you can floss your teeth after eating!"
The article is silly because all it does is outline the fact that there is no empirical evidence supporting the claims. It's not like they acquired their own data to prove otherwise.
ChipMonkey's Avatar
You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep.

Quote from my a-hole dentist.
Don't be too quick to dismiss that study. Gov't spent 2 million to tell ppl the food that stays between their teeth after they brush is actually healthy for you