The battle for the courts

TheDaliLama's Avatar

To those who say they won't vote:---PUT THIS IN YOUR MENTAL HOPPER:

Some people have brought up the fact that they won't vote if the eventual nominee is not the person they wanted. I just want to put something in perspective.

Justice Scalia's seat is vacant.

Ginsberg is 82 years old

Kennedy is 79

Breyer is 77

Thomas is 67.

Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs after 75.

These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years. The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.

Think about that... 7-2.

If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will****guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are viewed as lacking in mandate.

Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd Amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating that the Court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms. Period.

Anyone and Everyone who is saying that they won't vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. Hear this! If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.

Whoever is the GOP nominee ... go VOTE for the GOP Nominee!

Remember Romney? Three million conservatives who had voted for McCain did not cast a vote for Romney (for whatever reason) .... and the result was four additional years of Obama.

AND ONE FINAL THOUGHT , she's already on the record as saying that her buddy, Obama "would make a great Supreme Court Justice."
Who the fuck cares - dumb fucking thread!

I assume from your post you are a republican. Would you be making this post if someone told you that Trump would win 100 percent? Absolutely not ! You only making this post because you know Clinton is destined to win and you have the sore loser mentality that it's totally a bad thing if Clinton gets to replace 5 Supreme Court judges but it's totally ok if the guy you picks has that option - go fuck yourself
TheDaliLama's Avatar

What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Tellyawhat, Luke, you're so certain Her Dread Imperial Majesty-in-Waiting Hillary I is going to win, why don't you stay home on Election Day and have a few beers, instead of wasting all that time to stand in line and cast a vote you already know isn't going to make any difference in the outcome?

Seriously. Why bother to vote?

I'll tell you why, even though, as a Clintonista, you really shouldn't be told this.

All of the current polls are coming back "too close to call". The estimated outcomes are all well inside the margin of error, meaning the pollsters DON'T KNOW.

That means that EVERY vote in November is important.

Think back a few years, to 2000, when a literal handful of backwoods mutants from North Florida cave diving country were the ones who actually, finally, cast the votes that decided the election. Gore LOST. Fair and square. By a few HUNDRED votes. (After the Supreme Court said "ENOUGH ALREADY!", one of the big newspaper chains paid for the full recount of the entire state. Bush won, by all four sets of counting rules proposed. Interestingly enough, the Gore team's favorite counting rules gave Bush the biggest margin, and the Bush team's rules gave the closest outcome, but they all agreed. Bush won.)
Tellyawhat, Luke, you're so certain Her Dread Imperial Majesty-in-Waiting Hillary I is going to win, why don't you stay home on Election Day and have a few beers, instead of wasting all that time to stand in line and cast a vote you already know isn't going to make any difference in the outcome?

Seriously. Why bother to vote?

I'll tell you why, even though, as a Clintonista, you really shouldn't be told this.

All of the current polls are coming back "too close to call". The estimated outcomes are all well inside the margin of error, meaning the pollsters DON'T KNOW.

That means that EVERY vote in November is important.

Think back a few years, to 2000, when a literal handful of backwoods mutants from North Florida cave diving country were the ones who actually, finally, cast the votes that decided the election. Gore LOST. Fair and square. By a few HUNDRED votes. (After the Supreme Court said "ENOUGH ALREADY!", one of the big newspaper chains paid for the full recount of the entire state. Bush won, by all four sets of counting rules proposed. Interestingly enough, the Gore team's favorite counting rules gave Bush the biggest margin, and the Bush team's rules gave the closest outcome, but they all agreed. Bush won.) Originally Posted by Sidewinder
Let me get this straight I am a conservative but I totally despise what the party has become and hate the fact trump got nominated- but let's get past that cluster fuck- if Gary Johnson is on the ticket I will cast my ballot for Johnson if not I am voting for Hillary.
As much as I despise Hillary I would take her over trump ten out of ten times.
As I been saying along only thing that would hurt Clinton was if she picked a bad VP if she selected Elizabeth warren trump would have had a chance because I don't think America is ready for an all women ticket- however she was wise and pick a safe and respected VP.

Now to the question about polls - please post the current info you have on the poll standings - the one I looked At today actually 3 polls still has Trump trailing and that's bad because typically after the convention you usually get an artificial momentum boost in the polls. Overall, the RNC was a dud- from plagiarism to Ted Cruz getting booed to a lot of well known republicans sitting out - this was not a good RNC by any means and trump didn't wow anyone who was undecided.

However, let's do this lets place a wager right now that trump loses - I will bet any amount you would like pal. And gosh Clinton has her convention next week and I assure you she will win all 3 debates - as much as I can't stand her she's a master debated and far more experienced than trump across all areas.
Lastly, trumps interruptions and rude remarks won't fly in the debates .
The bottom line is the spoils go to the victor - when Clinton wins the election if she's in position to make 3 or Supreme Court changes in her term she earned that right and I would say the same if Trump were to win.
Just because it's not the person you voted for or like doesn't make the difference. It's sad that you have grown men in this forum who are getting their panties all in bunch because they can't accept defeat - grow the fuck up!
Barry won the election twice and although I don't like many of his polices he earned the right to enact those polices and he should have been allowed to select the Supreme Court justice.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The bottom line is the spoils go to the victor - when Clinton wins the election if she's in position to make 3 or Supreme Court changes in her term she earned that right and I would say the same if Trump were to win.
Just because it's not the person you voted for or like doesn't make the difference. It's said that you have grown men in this forum who are getting their panties all in bunch because they can't accept defeat - grow the fuck up!
Barry one the election twice and although I don't like many of his polices he earned the right to enact those polices and he should have been allowed to select the Supreme Court justice. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Barry "one" the election? No wonder your reasoning is so flawed.
Barry "one" the election? No wonder your reasoning is so flawed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ok I am typing from my phone and oh my gosh you never mistyped anything in your life before huh ? Go take your geritiol and put on your adult diapers and go to bed you old senile miserable douche bag. I at one time felt bad talking to a senior citizen in this manner but I doubt if you are old and really don't care to know if you are cute.
Barry "one" the election? No wonder your reasoning is so flawed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
he's just a total fucking idiot
he's just a total fucking idiot Originally Posted by gary5912
Care to say that in my face pal ? It's unbelievable amount of you Internet pussies in this forum. You throw at insults but you are hiding behind your computer screen because you would never say these words to my face. You are a pathetic scared little man!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ok Luke,

We'll go ahead put your fat ass down for liberal activist judges that litigate from the bench. But for some of us conservatives the Supreme court is just as a big deal as the other 2 branches of government .I'm on record here with my own thoughts about why I dont like Trump, but I'd rather deal with him than see your gal in the White House.

You can stay home in your little safe place and jerk off at your Ted Cruz poster and not vote for all I care.

Oh and by the way.....EAT YOUR OWN FUCK !!!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Care to say that in my face pal ? It's unbelievable amount of you Internet pussies in this forum. You throw at insults but you are hiding behind your computer screen because you would never say these words to my face. You are a pathetic scared little man! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Your getting pretty close to getting your dumb ass kicked off this board.

Ducbutter's Avatar
Care to say that in my face pal ? It's unbelievable amount of you Internet pussies in this forum. You throw at insults but you are hiding behind your computer screen because you would never say these words to my face. You are a pathetic scared little man! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Good god.
And you have the gall to call anyone a douche?
Ok Luke,

We'll go ahead put your fat ass down for liberal activist judges that litigate from the bench. But for some of us conservatives the Supreme court is just as a big deal as the other 2 branches of government .I'm on record here with my own thoughts about why I dont like Trump, but I'd rather deal with him than see your gal in the White House.

You can stay home in your little safe place and jerk off at your Ted Cruz poster and not vote for all I care.

Oh and by the way.....EAT YOUR OWN FUCK !!! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
How old are some of you guys? Please re-read your post and ell me if that doesn't remind you of what an immature spoiled brat. The difference between myself and a lot you other so called conservatives and I use that word very loosely is you morons can't accept compromise. I don't throw a hissy fit or think we are doomed if a liberal wins an election.
You still didn't answer my question if Trump wins would it be ok if he changes the dynamics and makes it 7-2 in favor of the republicans?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Care to say that in my face pal ? It's unbelievable amount of you Internet pussies in this forum. You throw at insults but you are hiding behind your computer screen because you would never say these words to my face. You are a pathetic scared little man! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
How old are you?