
What is lordosis?

Lordosis is an excessive curvature of the vertebral column in the lumbar zone, where is a concave curve towards inside.

Well, the most visible characteristic of this type of desease is the jutting bottom, caused by curves of spine. A patient affected with lordosis watched in profile has the typical duckling’s posture that drive butt lovers mad.

This is why BUTTs are so BIG.....LOVE this diagnosis.....Who Has it?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
The Rat
ratboy jam's Avatar
The Rat Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Points given for giving out private info!!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Points given for giving out private info!! Originally Posted by ratboy jam

Its hard to hide that in a MooMoo dress much less those JAM shorts

NOW if I talked about someone's LITTLE peepee, THAT would be giving out private info!
i didnt know rats have peepees.....
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Lordosis is a condition that I wish I had. Do you have to be born with this condition or is it something that in time can develop? I there anything I can do to help myself get it? LOL!!
boardman's Avatar
Is this disease the opposite of the dreaded Noassatall?
Ugh.. all I can think of is serious back pain! No thanks, I think I will stick with a regular back. These poor folks with this condition suffer way too much pain from this condition.

What is lordosis?

Lordosis is an excessive curvature of the vertebral column in the lumbar zone, where is a concave curve towards inside.

Well, the most visible characteristic of this type of desease is the jutting bottom, caused by curves of spine. A patient affected with lordosis watched in profile has the typical duckling’s posture that drive butt lovers mad.

This is why BUTTs are so BIG.....LOVE this diagnosis.....Who Has it?
Originally Posted by windowshopper
i think the butt pain is psychological. having excessive boobs is the one that hurts..... ur butt is supported by your strong legs and thighs....KFC baby!!!! now having big tat tats....now thats the stressor on the spine and stomach.... ouch.

yes brooke....you can have it to.. more squats....in gym....but i think you have a good package already....*wink*
I thought this was called sway back?