
I'm reaching out to my military gentleman. If you have been in the military or are currently serving. My son is in the Army. He completed boot camp and job training in December. I knew the day would come he would be deployed. Well it came lot sooner than expected. He is being deployed to Kuwait next month. As a mother I have always been where I could reach my children in a matter of hours. I am devastated and very scared.
I'm just asking my military gents to reassure me just how safe he will be. He is not in the infantry he is in heavy equipment repair. They will be building roads for the Syrians to escape. Sounds dangerous to me.
If I have done something wrong by posting this I apologise in advance. I am just desperate for reassurance that he will be ok.
Also if any of the ladies have experienced a loved one being deployed or if you have been deployed I would love to hear from you.
First and foremost THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!!
FLReWrite's Avatar
...If I have done something wrong by posting this I apologise in advance. I am just desperate for reassurance that he will be ok. .. Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
You haven't done anything wrong at all. Reaching out is never wrong.

I'm not military so I can't speak to the issue except to say that we support you. I believe if I were in your shoes I would feel the same way. I'm sure he's going to be fine. You have to believe that.

Now, about me being in your shoes...
You haven't done anything wrong at all. Reaching out is never wrong.

I'm not military so I can't speak to the issue except to say that we support you. I believe if I were in your shoes I would feel the same way. I'm sure he's going to be fine. You have to believe that.

Now, about me being in your shoes... Originally Posted by FLReWrite
Thank you for being so sweet. Kind words help so much. Now my feet would love for your feet to cozy up to them in my shoe anytime...lol (,I know corny)
WMJ4657's Avatar
I have a nephew currently serving , he is in Kuwait now hopefully home in couple months. He is a helicopter maintenance tech.

I am not sure of name of the base he is on but if your son is in Kuwait & not Syria itself he will be much safer.

God bless your son for his service.
I'm reaching out to my military gentleman. If you have been in the military or are currently serving. My son is in the Army. He completed boot camp and job training in December. I knew the day would come he would be deployed. Well it came lot sooner than expected. He is being deployed to Kuwait next month. As a mother I have always been where I could reach my children in a matter of hours. I am devastated and very scared.
I'm just asking my military gents to reassure me just how safe he will be. He is not in the infantry he is in heavy equipment repair. They will be building roads for the Syrians to escape. Sounds dangerous to me.
If I have done something wrong by posting this I apologise in advance. I am just desperate for reassurance that he will be ok.
Also if any of the ladies have experienced a loved one being deployed or if you have been deployed I would love to hear from you.
First and foremost THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet Casey

Saying a prayer for you and your family that he will have angels protecting him and everyone around him. My dad was Air Force for 20+ years and would be away from home all the time. Military families do make the ULTIMATE sacrifice but tell your son THANK YOU for what he's brave enough to do. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Hogfan69's Avatar
Kuwait is way safer than being in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or basically anywhere but Saudi Arabia in the ME. It actually sounds like he got a good 1st deployment.

I had a civilian friend do contract work for a year over there a couple of years ago. His biggest worry will probably be sandstorms, not people.
I have a nephew currently serving , he is in Kuwait now hopefully home in couple months. He is a helicopter maintenance tech.

I am not sure of name of the base he is on but if your son is in Kuwait & not Syria itself he will be much safer.

God bless your son for his service. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Thank you!!
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I already feel better. I was telling one of my closest friends that when I look at him I see a little 5 year old playing soldier I don't see a ,23 yr old man lol. I guess that's being a mom
PM'ing you
twobullhunglow's Avatar
I was a heavy wheel/track mechanic during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. As a wheel and track repairer, we stayed mostly back with the rear echelon.

If he is back with the equipment repairing it, he is relatively safe.

Prayers for you and your son. Thank him for his service as well.
I got back from Kuwait a year ago about this time. His biggest issue will probably be boredom depending on his MOS. He'll probably be at Camp Buering, they have everything you can think of including fast food like Taco Bell and subway. Before he gets there he needs to call his cell phone provider if he has one and do a military suspension. And have them unlock his phone. He will be able to buy data SIM cards for his phone and have internet service. You can download WhatsApp and with the data you can text fro
Your phone, can even download magic jack app and get a phone number for 9.99 a year and use it to make and receive calls or there are free services like Facebook etc you can call from. When I was there we were allowed to leave the base for morale trips, there were some issues off pose that may have suspended those activities and its possible they have started back up. For me it was one of my safest deployments but also very boring. I wish him well! I honestly think you have nothing to worry about and should be able to have contact on a daily basis once he gets setup.
what a nice post glen. well done