Don' Let Your Website Design Be A Mistake!

chetmanly's Avatar

I understand there are numerous options out there to help companions get their name and services out on the web and many of them are good alternatives for the first-time web owner.

But look deeper and you will find that those options are not always the correct ones.

Wix is really good... if you like advertising for others. Ever wonder why it is free? Simply because they brand your website with banners and advertising that has nothing to do with you. And the last thing you want is giving your website visitors a reason to look elsewhere.

Then there are companies like Hottie Templates that charge a flat per month fee, plus set up. Look at the numbers; $35 per month plus $199 set up charge.... that's $619 just for the first year! In addition, that is for only 5 pages!

What if you could have a better option? And cheaper?

I can help design your website for less than the others charge and the only branding on the entire is site is yours!

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to email me at chetmanly11 (at) We can discuss your options and needs and custom build your site to your specs. Don't know what you want or need? I can help with that too.

I will be more than happy to share links to my previous work and even put you in touch with my clients if you feel the need for references.

All of my designs are mobile-friendly since many of my clients' clients are using mobile devices to view their websites.

Let's Clear something up here...Wix doesn't cover your site in ads if you pay a small monthly fee of $10 to $12 a month for hosting or it's even discounted if you pay a year up front
To be honest if you choose use Wix for free as a provider they may even remove your site. They don't want complaints from mainstream advertisers that don't approve of your type of site. SO ALWAYS PAY FOR HOSTING IF YOU USE WIX.

Wix is really good but not for advertising others businesses. Wix is an excellent place to host a site as long as you pay for hosting and remove there name. Any site hosting that is free is going to put ads on your site. That is the trade off. Escort specific sites hosting may even put your competitors banners right on your site unless you pay.

The Reasons WIX is "really good" in my opinion is because it's a well maintained state of the art server that rarely goes down, they have customer service that is available to help when you need help, their pricing for hosting is competitive and with excellent ties to Google so your site gets ranked there automatically and it is always ahead of technology. Sites there are responsive technology when built in HTML and you chose the right settings. Lastly you always have access to your site there. No one else controls your site except you and wix and they aren't going to fade away or disappear like many webmaster do in this industry.

Now Personally I recommend that for a customized site and not just a template site, (which I feel customizing is important in attracting "Your Best Client"0 you use Wix to host and someone very familar with Wix, it's policies, widgets and apps to build it. If anyone needs to know someone like that pm me.

Chet I am not trying to step on toes but just put the right info out .. BTW your site examples are very nice! I love to see ladies represented so well.


I understand there are numerous options out there to help companions get their name and services out on the web and many of them are good alternatives for the first-time web owner.

But look deeper and you will find that those options are not always the correct ones.

Wix is really good... if you like advertising for others. Ever wonder why it is free? Simply because they brand your website with banners and advertising that has nothing to do with you. And the last thing you want is giving your website visitors a reason to look elsewhere. Originally Posted by chetmanly
Guest082318's Avatar
I think it is important to read the terms of service before you decide. With services like Wix, they have the ultimate control over your site regardless if you pay or not,