Obamas first step!

gomezaddams59's Avatar
This was a terrible crime, and I really feel for all of those people, but you can't legislate against crazy. Anyone who can kill a bunch of little kids is totally insane, and could do the same thing without an assault rifle.
I knew when this happened that the gun cuntrol debate would come into play.If passing some laws would actually keep guns out of crazy peoples reach then I would be all for it, but it wont. Passing new laws will do nothing but make it harder for good people to own guns.
Ask the folks in Mexico how much gun laws have helped them against violence.
jj_cool's Avatar
Ditto, well said!
Knew it was just a matter of time before the gun control issue would come up again.Legislators and media want to target the "evil black assault rifles" !
Hopefully calmer minds will prevail and assert that the Newtown massacre and others like it are really a mental heath issue... not a gun issue. And yes, we do need to address the mental health issues in our world.
gomezaddams59's Avatar
When I was a kid there were mental hospitals and "insane asylums". Not perfect by any means but kept the worst cases off the streets. Then Jimmy Carter closed all the hospitals and "mainstreamed" the patients, the ACLU made sure you could not force the needy to take their meds and they became another protected constituency. Now we are going to have a much needed great investigation into mental health care and the circle goes 'round and 'round.......
Chine, no guns so a crazy attacked children in a school with a knife.
Im sure alot less damage would be done without guns. I hear so many comments about Mexico and drug violence. 99% of the violence is between them, not directed at elementary schools, highschools (columbine) movie theaters or Universities.
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
On the same day of the Sandy Hook attack, a man in China attacked and stabbed over 20 children with a knife. Seriously, google it. None of the children died. In fact, this happens alot in China apparently, there have been several attacks with knifes in China over the last couple of years and the death total is still less than what happened to Sandy Hook.
On the same day of the Sandy Hook attack, a man in China attacked and stabbed over 20 children with a knife. Seriously, google it. None of the children died. In fact, this happens alot in China apparently, there have been several attacks with knifes in China over the last couple of years and the death total is still less than what happened to Sandy Hook. Originally Posted by Illegal Use Of Hands
That is completely true, a man with a knife, or a machette, or a hammer would not do the damage that a man with an automatic weapon would . But, would you want to have a government like China has?
Illegal Use Of Hands's Avatar
That's a strawman argument Mr. Smith.

BTW, I'm just pointing it out, I'm not out to get your gun. As long as the left wants to ban ALL guns and the right want every weapon up to a granade launcher, this issue will never go nowhere. If rational, adult human being can't compromise, we'll just continue to see more of these stories.
That's a strawman argument Mr. Smith.

BTW, I'm just pointing it out, I'm not out to get your gun. As long as the left wants to ban ALL guns and the right want every weapon up to a granade launcher, this issue will never go nowhere. If rational, adult human being can't compromise, we'll just continue to see more of these stories. Originally Posted by Illegal Use Of Hands
Reread my first post. I'm not uncompromising, and I am reasonable, Once you begin to take away peoples freedoms and rights in order to "protect them", you have a good chance of having that kind of government.

As long as there are insane people in the world then regardless of gun laws or restrictions you can have this kind of thing happen.
In this country we have two things that seperate us from the rest of the world. Freedom of the press, and the right to bear arms. At times the press does incredible damage, and crosses lines they should never cross, but to take away there right to print what they want would end this country as we know it, and the same is true with the right to bear arms. Unfortunately things like this will happen sometimes when a nut has a gun and an axe to grind, but if you take away these rights we may as well burn the bill of rights and just accept socialism as our new way of life.

Will passing new laws keep this kind of thing from happening? I don't think so. I'm done with my ranting.
rjdiner's Avatar
Can you guys at least wait until they bury these children before you attack our President. In that whole yahoo story that started this thread Obama was barely mentioned.
And you say you are not bigots? Why not mention the white republicant s quoted in this article?
Oh yeah they look like US.
Obama did not wait until they were buried.
bistraight69's Avatar
I find it odd that some of the very people who are crying for the need for more gun controls were completely silent about it when we discovered our government had supplied assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels. Either they discount the value of the Mexican and American people who have been killed by those guns, or their political ideology allows them to excuse the administrations actions. I guess outrage is tempered by politics.