"N by NW" Ending

Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest has a classic PG-rated but sexually-suggestive ending with Cary Grant and Eva Marie Saint kissing in the sleeping berth of a train, cutting to an outside shot of the train "penetrating" a tunnel.

In reality, Hitchcock's original ending was a lot more vulgar, but was vetoed by Grant. That version has been recovered and can be seen here.

[The date of the report is relevant.]
Peter Sezso's Avatar
That is very funny.
jokacz's Avatar
Jack, were you watching Bill Moyer's this morning? lol
Jack, were you watching Bill Moyer's this morning? lol Originally Posted by jokacz
Guilty as charged.
jokacz's Avatar
Guilty as charged. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Thought so, too bad it was a rerun.
too bad it was a rerun. Originally Posted by jokacz
... but still better than other alternatives.