PHASES - and the return of them....

Hi people,
don't we all know that life is about phases?
so.....I am curious.......that when one decides to return to a familiar "playing field" willing are they to accept the new rules.....or accomodate new players?
I am asking this........because it is actually a very intelluctual and inquisitive question.
I have a tough time accepting new players.........and always want to give my strong opinion based upon "my experience".......but yet learning that....if I let myself listen and learn......can grow more in the aspect of perfecting the art. is, with much reluctance......I become a student rather than a teacher.
Does this make sense to anyone? Think about it.......
Sounds like an old boyfriend wandered back into your life, and he'd learned some new tricks somewhere.

Read "The Surrender", by Toni Bentley, if you can find a copy.
I find the constant revision and confirmations of life's philosophies amusing. Observing human behavior and my own reactions is intellectually stimulating.

Sounds like we need together and "philosophize" sometime.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We categorize all of our experiences for ease of recall later. While that is convenient, it also leads to rigidity (keep your minds out of the gutter!). In some cases, one's experiences are helpful in avoiding making the same errors again and again. In others, these experiences become predillictions, or worse, prejudices that get in the way of new information. The good thing about any information is that one can either keep it for further use or discard it. Sometimes, we just have to force ourselves to be open to the new and different.

Hmmmm, I'm with cpi, there may need to be further "personal discussion" and an exchange of "information."
Very insightful of you.....CPI and R4C.
I guess those that accomodate change........are much happier and "wise" in life.
Yes......we all should get together.....smoke a peace pipe......contemplate on life's challenges.....and then have a big orgy !!
Very insightful of you.....CPI and R4C.
I guess those that accomodate change........are much happier and "wise" in life.... Originally Posted by Rainy Carson
It is better than being resentful and miserable and making the same ole mistakes over and over again! Although, occasionally I do have to "re-learn" a lesson to remember why I made some personal policy decisions in in the first place.
CPI - you are a guru !! fact......I just learned a new lesson about a week ago.
Knowing that after much hard work of trying to establish the "right" reputation in the hobby matter what you do......someone will still bash you. I take a deep breath.......and then I realize......that poor soul.....they are obviously very insecure in themselves......and they feel the need to condemn others......without reason.
Oh well.......water under the bridge......I am the bigger person for brushing it off.....and moving forward.
Besides......there's much more fun to be had !!!
Love you guys!!!
oh....and one more thing.
what lesson did I learn?
Don't less assholes get to me......they all have opinions.....its the way of the world.

oh...and .... your new avatar !! is that spanky?
oh....and one more thing.
what lesson did I learn?
Don't less assholes get to me......they all have opinions.....its the way of the world.

oh...and .... your new avatar !! is that spanky?
shooter6.5's Avatar
there was a statement in the paper yesterday that sorta sums this up !!!!!!

"I know who I am, now I have to work on who I want to be"

I liked it- and Rainy, your avatar is a hell of a lot better that CPI's.
gptxman's Avatar
oh....and one more thing.
what lesson did I learn?
Don't less assholes get to me......they all have opinions.....its the way of the world.

oh...and .... your new avatar !! is that spanky? Originally Posted by Rainy Carson
Like my dad always told me growing up "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." so do what you know is right and the hell with what others think.
oh....and one more thing.
what lesson did I learn?
Don't less assholes get to me......they all have opinions.....its the way of the world.

oh...and .... your new avatar !! is that spanky? Originally Posted by Rainy Carson

Rainy his avatar is a picture of Surcher, a Houston member that is being honored.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I think the new experiences mostly reconfirm the old, but with new twists. I don't forgo vengeance necessarily because I'm wiser; it's just more damaging in most cases than letting it go. If the good-for-nothing bitch/bastard gets his or hers, I'll still be happy. I'm just not willing to ruin my life in an effort to ruin theirs. You know who you are and your clients know it too--better than you might think. I think most hobbyists take criticism or negativity with a grain of salt. Over time, I've learned to follow (and even trust) the reviews and other musings of certain hobbyists. It's pretty easy to spot the WKs and manipulators.