Biden Lies About Florida, Texas COVID Response While Withholding Lifesaving Treatments

  • oeb11
  • 09-16-2021, 02:05 PM

In remarks from the White House on Thursday — billed as "Remarks on Leveling the Playing Field in Our Economy to Bring Down Costs and Ensure that the Backbone of the Country, the Middle Class, Can Finally get a Break" — quickly turned vindictive as Biden repeated his attacks on Republican-led states.
"The governors of Florida and Texas are doing everything they can to undermine the lifesaving requirements that I have proposed," Biden said repeating a line of attack he first used in a non sequitur speech on the Wuhan coronavirus as his failed Afghan airlift was underway.
Biden's blind partisanship is, unsurprisingly, based in fantasy. Republican governors in Florida and Texas have pursued measures that ban mask mandates — which is different than an outright ban on masks, despite the lies peddled by Biden and other Democrats — while President Biden is the one who is undermining life-saving measures in those states. In what appears to be petty political maneuvering, Biden is putting American lives at risk. This development is somewhat unsurprising given he's also left Americans stranded behind Taliban lines in Afghanistan, but it's disturbing nonetheless.
As has been reported by officials in Florida, the Biden administration blindsided Florida's health officials by restricting the supply of monoclonal antibody treatments without warning.
And in Texas, a similar situation unfolded when Biden and his administration cut supply for the same treatments for residents in the state. It is clear that Biden is pursuing an "agenda of cruelty" against those he disagrees with politically.
Pair the Biden administration's withholding of lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatments with the CDC's directive for pharmacies to stop filling prescriptions for ivermectin — another drug doctors prescribe to help COVID patients fight the virus — and it's clear that Joe Biden is playing politics with the lives of Americans simply because of the state in which they live. Contrary to what he claimed of Texas and Florida, it is President Biden who is engaging in the "worst kind of politics."

Typical fiden and DPST politics

Withhold treatments - for residents of states "Disloyal" to the Communist DPST cause

- Make those Peoples pay teh price with Death for its residents

meanwhile - teh Lying Sick Media cares not - and applauds the increased death rates to to Fiden withholding life-saving therapies - becasue it improves their numbers supporting their lockdwon mandate system of goernment.

Murderers - fiden murdered in afghanistan - and He and the fiden administration murder at home - American innocent citizens!

And on this forum - the DPST minions applaud.

DPST are sick , communist murderers

so report me to Home Security - DPSTs

i call it as the Facts and Truth ARE!!!

Buck fiden
Buck his minions
From my cold dead hands - murdering DPSTs!!!!!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The politicization of hcq, ivermectin and other effective treatments is the greatest crime against humanity since Stalin. The Khmer Rouge comes to mind as more recent, but likely cost fewer lives.

All because Donald Trump was President, and policies that favor the people of the United States couldn’t be tolerated.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
desantis has made arrangements to bypass the biden mandate by dealing with the manufacture directly.
desantis has made arrangements to bypass the biden mandate by dealing with the manufacture directly. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good. Texas needs to do the same.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This should be ""Front page News "" yours and my guberment with holding lifesaving drugs Hmm For Politico reasons
Both drugs well proven in fact ( I know facts again) Dr Kory called ivermectin "magic" But big pharm and the bureaucracies are trying to stop the use
This is and has never been about HEALTH just Nazi type control
  • oeb11
  • 09-17-2021, 10:17 AM
RD has a point

and 'nazi type control - is precisely what Bernie and the fiden criminal cabal [plan!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
rexdutchman's Avatar
And ,Sadly any discussion of the Covid /Vaccines /treatments should be about the suppression of opinions of a multitude of experts on the covid scare and deceive , and the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines .
Other then Dr sexy (Faucci ) no other "experts " from around the world have been allowed they have been actively silenced. ( an Faucci will not debate) And NOW the is controlling meds (regen,Iverm )that doctor (real doc in er s ) have been using ,So gov is letting people died and stay sick from the CCP flu Hmm Sinister ( except for the elites of course