NC/NS Viva.Victoria aka Backpage Channel

LickerLicense's Avatar
I found CHANNEL on Backpage,, then again as Viva.Victoria on ECCIE. Contacted her at 817-264-7489 and negotiated a Quickie Rate for First Date of The Day. It was to be for the next available start day. Holidays and her son's birthday set that back. Found her on ECCIE shortly thereafter. Made a date for 1/6/15 at 6:OOpm at a hotel near Red Neck Heaven off 36O in Arlington. Communicated by Text all the way there at 469-274-5092, which was probably a new number. Nothing I had prior to the day of the appointment. Arrived at Hotel and text her for Room, No Reply. Waited and Text again in 15, No Reply. Went to dinner and text again, No Reply. I got stood up.

NOT RECOMMENDED!!! Probably other issues too.
Link on Eccie?
Any warning from this guy should be taken with a spoon of salt. The statement about "probably other issues too" makes me suspect that this is an attempt to hurt her business for refusing to his twisted little game.
Any warning from this guy should be taken with a spoon of salt. The statement about "probably other issues too" makes me suspect that this is an attempt to hurt her business for refusing to his twisted little game. Originally Posted by Golden Man
That's a lot of salt...a grain may be more appropriate.... Why should we doubt his NCNS?
LickerLicense's Avatar
Here's a link to her Showcase. Great looking gal. 9

It was a NC/NS, just like I sad. I haven't met her, so there are NO OTHER ISSUES or motives. Just tired of wasting my Time and Gas on Flakes.
LickerLicense's Avatar
Another Link to Viva.Veronica , aka Channel, aka Veronica ight=veronica
Any warning from this guy should be taken with a spoon of salt. The statement about "probably other issues too" makes me suspect that this is an attempt to hurt her business for refusing to his twisted little game. Originally Posted by Golden Man

Twisted little game? What would that be? The OP is widely known for requiring girls he sees to have an NBA policy (if they do not have one already) in order for him to see her (or at least say she does or will for him), and I bet there are other guys like him, but just maybe are not as adamant, and it is his preference. He is absolutely dead wrong in belittling and scolding providers who are AA friendly wasting their valuable time in so doing, that is her preference and neither the OP or provider should be judged for their proclivity, but he has every right to post a NCNS thread, just as any other guy on here.
Grace Preston's Avatar
His preferences aren't even serious. He just timewastes with it. Numerous girls on his list that he often praises see AA.
LickerLicense's Avatar
HA! HA! HA! As if I give a shit what you think otherwise. That has nothing to do with getting stood up for an appointment. If I don't like SHIT, then I don't like SHIT. If I want to tell someone I don't like SHIT, then I'm going to tell them. No one will tell me what I can say, do, or how to act. If you don't like it, go elsewhere, or maybe take it to your Greek Island. Go cry to someone else. Enough said to all you whiners about my Preferences. Tired of BITCHES calling me racist because I ask, and then me telling them I'm not interested. Get over it.
Twisted little game? What would that be? The OP is widely known for requiring girls he sees to have an NBA policy (if they do not have one already) in order for him to see her (or at least say she does or will for him), and I bet there are other guys like him, but just maybe are not as adamant, and it is his preference. He is absolutely dead wrong in belittling and scolding providers who are AA friendly wasting their valuable time in so doing, that is her preference and neither the OP or provider should be judged for their proclivity, but he has every right to post a NCNS thread, just as any other guy on here. Originally Posted by davidfree986
I could care less about his preferences, that's his business. What mean by sick game is threatening girls who won't give him discounts, freebies, extras or commit to not providing to AA's, these are things that have been widely and repeatedly reported on him. I could care less if he is card carrying Klans man or member of an L.A. Street gang. But when you write false bs p, that's not cool.
HA! HA! HA! As if I give a shit what you think otherwise. That has nothing to do with getting stood up for an appointment. If I don't like SHIT, then I don't like SHIT. If I want to tell someone I don't like SHIT, then I'm going to tell them. No one will tell me what I can say, do, or how to act. If you don't like it, go elsewhere, or maybe take it to your Greek Island. Go cry to someone else. Enough said to all you whiners about my Preferences. Tired of BITCHES calling me racist because I ask, and then me telling them I'm not interested. Get over it. Originally Posted by LickerLicense
By the way, looking at names of several of the girls you have reviewed, I suspect you have eaten out of a lot of vaginia that is open to AA dick.
I could care less about his preferences, that's his business. What mean by sick game is threatening girls who won't give him discounts, freebies, extras or commit to not providing to AA's, these are things that have been widely and repeatedly reported on him. I could care less if he is card carrying Klans man or member of an L.A. Street gang. But when you write false bs p, that's not cool. Originally Posted by Golden Man

I kind of answered that about guys who haggle on price in this post: . Trouble is, the OP's choice of providers are mostly on BP and not Eccie members so she cannot report him or call him out on Eccie. It really does not matter what he requests of girls as they either will or will not, it is kinda like if you go to a bar and ask 100 girls if you can take them home and fuck, you might get 99 slaps in the face, but there is always that 1 who will do it. I do not know what kind of threats he can make to the girls other than verbal and there is likely no follow through but more verbal/written harassment. Everyone knows his M O on Eccie so his cred is pretty low for turning guys against the girls. If it is something on the outside of the hobby world he threatens with, that is another matter. But, in any event, if a provider NCNS him, he does have to right to report it and we all can take what he says and do with it what we want.