ashamed of my body

I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way?
pyramider's Avatar
Nope. My 1.3" of dangling death is legendary, too.
Invisible1's Avatar
Yes.....then I get over it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
All the time. But most providers refrain from laughing once they realise that I'm 350 lb.
We get paid to look good and fuck don't, so your good sweetie!
CaptainMalReynolds's Avatar
Ever been with a woman who definitely did not belong on a snap on calender? She make you want to hit it like a stormtrooper hitting a tree in the forest?

Know the guy that plays Mr Bean? Seen his wife, who he does bang? Can't all be about 6packs and surfer hair, can it?
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-14-2015, 05:39 PM
I feel your pain friend this winter has been brutal for me!!!
aubie79's Avatar
I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way? Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
Don't beat yourself up too bad about it. Good news is you're still in control of it.

Best to you.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way? Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
All the time good sir. I was in the Navy for over 8 years and was around 190-220 pounds the whole time. i am 6'3" and used to run everyday was in great shape but also have a very small penis. 5 inches when i was skinny. Now im 350 pounds with a penis that is barely 4 inches and i need viagra to get it up. because im so small i cant even fuck anymore which is down right sad. Yes it sucks and yes it makes me depressed but just relax these ladies are professionals and most will treat you like a king which is what part of the fantasy is.

It is hard to look past how we see our selves especially if we are out of shape and not rocking the tight body we used to have. Trust me though the right provider will make you forget how you look when she treats you right.
TallDallasGuy's Avatar
I've gained weight over the last few years. I feel embarrassed about it sometimes when I visit providers. I was in good shape a few years ago. Do you guys ever feel this way? Originally Posted by jimmy simpson
Johnny Simpson - you are brave for reaching out and speaking to others. Others may joke about your question, but for some it can be a serious issue. It sounds as if this has bothered you for awhile and it's good that you are reaching out.

Now are you morbidly obese, or just a few pounds?
Is your view of yourself unrealistic?
Maybe you should speak with your physician about your weight, and how you view yourself, etc.

A normally healthy weight range for an individual can be perceived as overweight by someone with a distorted body image. And it is not uncommon for obese individuals to report that they did not realize they were as large as they are and had perceived their body as much smaller until an occasion arises where they see a photograph, video or window reflection that strikes a nerve and causes them to come to terms with their actual image.

I don't think anyone is actually satisfied with the way they look.
I am tall and slender and by far not overweight, i'm at the low-end of my acceptable weight range, but I don't like the way I look! I would love to put on an extra 3-5 pounds or so. I accept the way I look and my doctor has advised me I don't need to put on any weight but when I go to providers, it does bothers me just a bit because I think I'm too thin, but I know it is all in my head.

Whether you are average weight, overweight or morbidly obese, it sounds like you don't like the way you look. And if that is becoming a problem for you, work on doing something about it! The problem wont just go away by itself. Recognizing and acknowledging your feelings will help you become more comfortable in your body and lessens the tendency to suppress feelings.
  • EZ.
  • 01-14-2015, 08:49 PM
I'm in pretty good shape for an old guy. I am embarrassed when I take off my shirt. I have a lot of scars. I have a burn scar, high on my left arm, that looks like a rash another just above my hairline. Scars on my stomach and down the center of my chest. My doctor once called me Humpty Dumpty.
Lunytunz's Avatar
Disgusting and unprofessional...find a new doctor. You are seeing your doctor for professional advice and healthcare direction, not humiliation and belittling comments.
  • EZ.
  • 01-15-2015, 12:59 AM
Disgusting and unprofessional...find a new doctor. You are seeing your doctor for professional advice and healthcare direction, not humiliation and belittling comments. Originally Posted by Lunytunz
No, he was just telling me the truth. He had known me all of my life and was a close family friend. He said, "rembourser pour un jeune temeraire" (Pay for a reckless youth). I had just turned, forty. I laughed but now I'm paying the price.

It isn't like one of these women. I'm not looking for illusion. Give me someone that actually cares about me and will shoot me straight.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I think it would bother me more knowing I couldn't do the things I used to be able to do when I was in shape, rather than not feeling like I was attractive to the opposite sex. But that's just me running through it in my mind. Hell, in reality it might bug the shit out of me.

Shit jimmy, everybody is a good lookin mofo when they got a stack of benjis in their hand.
Work out. Drink less alcohol. Don't eat fast food.
Not only will your body feel better, your mind will, too.