Homeland Security Asking Hotel Staff to Report Customers for Too Many Condoms

Homeland Security Asking Hotel Staff to Report Customers for Too Many Condoms

Frequent minibar-restock requests and refusal of maid service for several days also listed among signs you might be a sex trafficker

Jan. 12, 2016

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to pour time and taxpayer money into convincing the American people that there's an epidemic of sex trafficking here.

Despite federal fearmongering, there's no concrete evidence to suggest that sex trafficking is even prevalent in America, let alone on the rise. But you would never know that from listening to lawmakers, federal officials, and their local-media mouthpieces talk. And while some of this propaganda stems from good intentions, it also provides good fodder for all manner of civil-liberties abuses, from seizing sex-business assets to expanding police wiretapping power. Now it's providing law enforcement with cover to convince citizens to spy on each other and report one another to police for perfectly normal activity.

That's why, as part of the "Safe Action Project," DHS staff will train hotel and hospitality workers on how to spot the so-called signs of sex trafficking. Alleged "red flags" include:

garbage cans containing many used condoms
frequent use of "Do Not Disturb" sign on room door
excessive foot traffic in and out of a room
"excessive sex paraphernalia" in room
an "overly smelly room" that reeks of "cigarette, marijuana, sweat, bodily fluids, and musk"
a guest who "averts eyes or does not make eye contact"
individuals "dressed inappropriate for age" or with "lower quality clothing than companions"
guests with "suspicious tattoos"
the presence of multiple computers, cell phones, pagers, credit card swipes, or other technology
the presence of photography equipment
minibar in need of frequent restocking
guests with too many personal hygiene products, especially "lubrication, douches"
guests with too few personal possessions
rooms paid for with cash or a rechargeable credit card
refusal of room cleaning services for multiple days
Take heed, lovers on romantic getaways, photographers on assignment, beauty-product junkies, tech workers, cash carriers, alcoholics, late sleepers, slobs, immodest dressers, people on the autism spectrum, people with body-odor problems, single patrons seeking hotel-bar hookups, light packers, and those with a youthful appearance: DHS is onto you!
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Addressing the FBI and Polaris Project regarding their failed approach in Super Bowl sex trafficking fight.
This is not a new approach. It’s known to be a failed approach. They never seem to recover any victims at sporting events and this was a myth created by anti prostitution groups.

Does The Super Bowl Actually Bring With It Legions Of Prostitutes?

To add insult to injury we have already confirmed there are no services for victims or sex workers. In March 2015 we all heard Katherine Chong the founder of Polaris Project publicly admit, at her alumni dinner at Brown University, that they don't provide any direct services to anyone. There is no housing, no jobs that pay a living wage, no higher education etc. Did I mention that Chong husband is Bradley Myles, CEO of Polaris Project who draws a 6 figure salary.

Polaris Project has manipulated Congress which resulted in legislation that forces strip clubs to put up human trafficking signs. They are forcing hotels to train employees to spy on their guests and call the cops if they use the do not disturb sign, or have too many condoms, lube and douches.

I am outraged that Polaris Project gets 3 to 7 million a year in funding, to create policies that violate the human rights of sex workers, putting them at greater risk of violence, which usually comes from the police during these "raids they claim are rescues". Meanwhile our youth lives in the streets with no services. #endhumantrafficking is a scam and it’s one of the biggest criminal enterprises I have ever seen. All supported by US tax dollars