Setting The Record Straight

I've mulled over an issue that I feel needs to be out in the open. A couple of days ago I was contacted by another provider(who will remain unnamed)alerting me of a client who is spreading lies involving me. She had proof via messages of their conversation which she shared with me. This client claimed that I had shared the provider's home address with him which of course she knew was complete BS. First off, I have no idea where the provider lives and secondly, anyone who knows me knows that I would NEVER in a million years out someone and share personal info, providers and clients alike. I've worked hard building and maintaining my stellar reputation and have always conducted myself with integrity. Backstabbing, maliciousness and dishonesty are simply traits that I do not possess.

With that said, I want to ensure everyone who this message reaches that I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT ever share any personal information with another provider or client. That potentionally puts the individual in harms way and is just low to even consider doing. For anyone who has been approached by someone claiming that I am the one who they got their info from, please don't hesitate to email, PM or text me to discuss it. I have nothing to hide and again would never betray someone by making personal info public. I do ask that if you do contact me please refrain from asking me questions concerning the other provider. As always, I will protect identity, thank you.

Have a great Saturday night!
Sorry this happened. Lies being spread around gulfport this is not the 1st time this happened. I heard a rumor and went to provider in question and found out this rumor that was spread by provider and her Male friend was just BS to hurt her business on the coast. Worst thing is she left mississippi a while ago. Just goes to show some guys and providers are self serving vindictive A..hol.s
Oh honey.. most of us who do know you know you would never do this. I don’t know why anyone would ever say anything bad about you like that! I hope you’re okay. You know you can call me anytime. Lots of love!!
Angel, do waste the time nor energy on peasants and trolls who like to stir shit. These types of people are criminally known to stalk, bully and spread bullshit...but in the long run THE INDIVIDUAL who has evil catches up with him.
Remember the old story...about the little boy who cried wolf.
Sophia, Angel...beware of this big bad wolf...he comes with many suits but it is the same rumpelstilskin beneath
So sorry that happened to you.
Guitar's Avatar
I have only been a part of this site for a few short years so I'm relatively new to the scene. But if there is some drama on this site, it's not hard to determine who's gonna be a part of it. Sure hate this for ya, mam. Hope it resolves soon.
Naughtyangel, I hate to hear about that. Guys who would do something like that make trouble for all of us "good" guys who respect you ladies and do our best to treat you accordingly.

Your reputation here speaks for itself, I for one respect that reputation and the integrity it shows.
Angel. You were a delightful lady in every way. I am still smiling about our time together. You just keep being the amazing sweet person you are and you will be just fine. I know I am looking forward to when I can see you again.