Questions for the guys...

I’ll be headed to Jackson and wanted to know if guys prefer the Flowood area or Ridgeland better ?
Lol, I got an invisible penis! You better keep that heinie in Ridgeland so I can come grab your butt quickly when needed
NuruGuru's Avatar
When? And either.
  • Hojo
  • 04-01-2019, 09:45 PM
No Heinie grabbing that far north lol. I'm such a slave when it comes to that.
Hojo I know you are babe
I’ll be there with kynsley Wednesday through Friday!
NuruGuru's Avatar
Damn, I'm leaving tomorrow lol. My boss will be riding with me, so that sucks.

On the bright side, back to Dallas where there's a constant flow of ads and reviews! For a few days. Then back here, after you're gone, and back to the nothingness and lack of entertainment that is this state.
Damn, I'm leaving tomorrow lol. My boss will be riding with me, so that sucks.

On the bright side, back to Dallas where there's a constant flow of ads and reviews! For a few days. Then back here, after you're gone, and back to the nothingness and lack of entertainment that is this state. Originally Posted by NuruGuru
You missed out, Adaline is a must see
Oh YES... she most definitely is
And so is Kynsley, sexy and sassy as always. Get them both together and you have your hands full !!
  • Hojo
  • 04-03-2019, 07:43 PM
Full hands are always special with the two of them. Miss you both
  • Hojo
  • 04-05-2019, 01:49 PM
Miss yall
Miss you too Hojo