Lexi Love...Saying GOOD BYE!

How lucky I am to have had a job I truly loved. A job that’s so hard to say goodbye to. So hard, I sit here in tears writing this.

There are no words able to express what a privilege it was for me to have met such amazing people throughout the years.
I’ve formed so very many CLOSE friendships along the way.
It was an HONOR to have met each and every one of you along this journey of mine.
I will truly miss you ALL!

I had a VERY LONG SUCCESSFUL run, 14 yrs next month.
I’ve now accomplished all the goals I had set for myself when I first got into this business.
The main goal was saving enough to take care of MYSELF until my actual retirement age.

Transitioning out of this business is going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

The truth, is I’ll be 50 in 7 months, and I’ve been single for 14 years. I’d like to enjoy my home that I worked so hard to pay off. I want to go back to school, have a social life, & MAYBE start dating.
Oh, start using that gym membership I’ve been paying for year after year.

It’s now time for me to begin a new chapter in my life and say ...

Lexi Love

P.S. I hope y’all will always think of me when your watching Crimson Tide 🏈 on TV kicking everyone’s ASS.
Roll Tide!

I am sure many will feel the same way. We are sad to see you leave, and I do regret we never had a chance to meet. However, my heart is filled with joy to see you so successful. I am so glad you were able to achieve all you desired from this hobby life. Best wishes sweetheart.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Best of luck on your new adventure. Cheers !!
Lexi, I hate to see you retire, but I wish you the best of luck babe. You are an awesome person and you will be missed. Good luck on future endeavors!
It's bittersweet, but happy for you. You still have plenty to do and enjoy yourself. Best of luck to you. 😉
Very happy for you Lexi. You had told me about your long term plans and goals when we first met and I wish you the best in your departure from this hobby...up until the Crimson Tide part!

Best of luck in the new endeavors!
Thank you to everyone for all the farewell wishes.
My memory is very long. I’ll never forget those I had the pleasure to spend time with

  • jofms
  • 04-20-2019, 09:33 PM
Last time we met you said you would be retiring soon. Congratulations and best wishes on the rest of your life. It was a real pleasure meeting you. With your outgoing personality and winning ways, you will do well at whatever you choose to pursue.Jack