private problems being an escort and dating

Hi Girls,

I wonder if some of you sometimes feel the same about private dating vs. escorting?
I recently had some "problems" in my private life and it made me come to the conclusion that as an escort it is sometimes hard to date because my expectations are too high?
I mean if you have clients that are splendid, smart, good looking and pay and treat you nice why would you bother with someone that doesn`t pay you and is only half as nice? Just today i wrote to one of my private friends that i rather stick to having a nice time with clients than getting treated with disrespect or constantly criticised for things that were clear from the beginning. I mean for example clients are capable of writing nice emails, showing sincere interest, making appointments and keeping them. These are qualities combined if i don`t find them in a real life partner i lose interest.
Any of you other ladies that way?
Here is a slightly different version of what i wrote today to one of my friends - its only a part and i altered it sufficiently:

"So for me my life is pretty DAMN easy: Why would i waste my life with people who are not nice to me when i can have a super perfect time getting invited to wherever from clients who treat me with respect AND pay, make arrangements ahead of time, and shower me with compliments????
If a guy in private life wants my attention he definetely has to treat me different than you do. As long as some client is nicer to me than a regular man i will gladly choose clients . It has the side effect of making me rich too, besides being treated like a princess. :-)))"

any experiences?
atlcomedy's Avatar
This thread has makings of Groundhog Day as well

(Do a search, this has been discussed many times as well, Nina)

But usually the issue is the guy having an issue with what you do &/or to the extent you aren't open about it how can you really have something meaningful/longterm, not that you can't find a guy that will treat you well in the civie world. If that is a case I suggest shopping in a different aisle so to speak.
This thread has makings of Groundhog Day as well

(Do a search, this has been discussed many times as well, Nina)

But usually the issue is the guy having an issue with what you do &/or to the extent you aren't open about it how can you really have something meaningful/longterm, not that you can't find a guy that will treat you well in the civie world. If that is a case I suggest shopping in a different aisle so to speak. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Oh i am sorry, will do :-)) both.....searching and shopping in a different aisle :-).... hehehehe
shorty's Avatar
The private guy should physically and emotionally treat you the same as the client. The only difference is your not getting paid for your time with him. Yes, I know civie guys can be jerks and don't treat the lady right. I see this everyday and just shake my head. I have not figured out why ladies stay with there BF/SO, if there treated like SHIT!! My attitude in life is Treat Someone Like You Would Want To Be Treated!! Only problem with this attitude is it doesn't help get the ladies in real life. They tend to want someone that's there ideal guy in looks, height, and a little rebelious.
I don't date. Why would I give up the hobby to date a man for free who plays head games with me?
shorty's Avatar
Who says all men play head games!!
DFW5Traveler's Avatar

You would have to evaluate what you are looking for in a private relationship. A paying client will typically treat you with much more respect if he wants to see you again. My sister, who was a dancer, said when she went totally nude, guys treated her with a lot more respect than when she was just topless.

If the type of person you you pick for a private relationship based on physical attraction, in your eyes, first, the mental chemistry will always take second fiddle. It's only when you actually sit down and talk to them that you find what type of person they are. Face it, if your type is physically attractive first, then that is a hazard you will have to face. Most attractive people, who know they are attractive, typically treat people poorly. Do you choose clinets based on their looks or their ability to be courteous and willingness to pay?
atlcomedy's Avatar

You would have to evaluate what you are looking for in a private relationship. A paying client will typically treat you with much more respect if he wants to see you again. My sister, who was a dancer, said when she went totally nude, guys treated her with a lot more respect than when she was just topless.

If the type of person you you pick for a private relationship based on physical attraction, in your eyes, first, the mental chemistry will always take second fiddle. It's only when you actually sit down and talk to them that you find what type of person they are. Face it, if your type is physically attractive first, then that is a hazard you will have to face. Most attractive people, who know they are attractive, typically treat people poorly. Do you choose clinets based on their looks or their ability to be courteous and willingness to pay? Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
That is very insightful. I was at church yesterday and my mind quickly wandered. I'd see these really hot women with these guys some folks might call "tools"

I'd think to myself, "how is he pulling that off? is he the SOB that almost hit me on the way in with his Maserati? does he have a foot long package?"

Then you would see the way he treated her: protecting her/differing to her as she entered the he took the screaming infant out so she could continue watching the he brought the car around afterwards...

Some might call it emasculated....some might call it being a gentleman...but in our new world where a lot of guys are cheating dogs, some might call it smart...

btw, is your dancer sister available? has she maintained her figure? does she ever make it to ATL (and as you can see some of us guys are just dawgs)
Who says all men play head games!! Originally Posted by shorty

I do. Because thats been my experience with dating them. So I do not date them anymore.
Mine might have been the opposite. I had high expectations before becomming an escort. Guess that's why I've stayed single. Now...How could I date? I'm a horrible liar, lol. Just curious, Shorty, are you single?
I do. Because thats been my experience with dating them. So I do not date them anymore. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Does that mean your batting for the other team Isis?
I have had a hard time finding someone in my private life who can handle what I do...Though recently I did meet someone who I think was okay with me being an escort, but we stopped talking for other reasons...

I am already pretty picky about whom I choose to date anyways, and refuse to be with anyone who is rude/disrespectful/insensitive/unemotional to me... So finding someone who isn't a complete jerk and is okay with what I do is a rarity... I really do like the idea of love & being in love, I've had it before and it was great, but I've been far too vulnerable lately and have been hurt because of it...snapped me back into reality real quick!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Most men are only good for two things. It's not that hard to figure out.
Is one of them taking out the trash? just a thought
shorty's Avatar
I really do feel sorry for you ladies that have been hurt by the guys in your life. It's just a matter of finding the right one that can accept you for who you are. Sometimes, if you quit looking for mr. ideal guy, the person might be right there in front of you. It could a good friend that you can confine in but is too shy to take things further. Also, it could be a client that is extremely nice to you, seems geniue about his comments, and SINGLE!!