Three wishes

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 12-02-2009, 07:17 PM
If you were given three wishes what would you chose, and no
one of your wishes cannot be for unlimited wishes.

I have often thought about this and I find that as I become
seasoned ( another term for older) my wishes have changed.

So as of today here are my three wishes...

1.) Turn back the hands of time.

2.) That everyone would get a chance
to experience true love....

3.) For everyone to live life to the fullest
and live each day as if it were your last,
because you never know what tomorrow
TexRich's Avatar
1. a billion dollars

2. forever youth

3. G5
PoppyToyota's Avatar
1.) There to be a cure for all forms of cancer
2.) To be remembered as someone who is a good friend made everyone around me a better person.
3.) For all of my friends and family to be financially taken care of and not have any burdens.
gman44's Avatar
900 billion tax free tax free dollars

a time machine

a computer with a voice recognition device that automatically types the review comments out when you speak them
dandydee's Avatar
well, to tie this in with the sensitive nipple thread - my 3 wishes...

1) spending time with vnurse
2) spending time with fawn
3) having more responses from ladys who love nipple stimulation

CassidyBlue's Avatar
1) Hang glide in 2010
2) Continue to have the wonderful people in my life I have been blessed with
3) New crotch rocket to park next to my cruiser! Ohhhhh yeah.
  • YSD
  • 12-03-2009, 12:56 PM
1. Health.
2. Vast wealth.
3. To be surrounded by the people I love most.
Deja Dubois's Avatar
1. Have a Blessed dinner with the Man upstairs.
2. Take back all the mistakes I've made when I was young.
3. And last, be wealthy so that my family, friends, and homeless will all have something in life. have love in my life again
2.My children in my life find a cure for ALS
bigtom62's Avatar
Wish 1. Provider A

Wish 2. Provider B

Wish 3. Provider C

And no I will NOT identify them, but they know who they are.
1. For my little girl to have the best life this world can offer her.

2. To find my soulmate.

3. To win the lottery, and help out my family and friends who need money.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
1. Not sure if I can find happiness for the people around me and myself but I would be very happy with a sense of contentment. Just to be content would be great combined with the daily bits of happiness that we find here and there.

2. Enough funds to live a comfortable life and make a difference in the lives of others.

3. Doing what is necessary to promote health and goodness on this earth.

4. (I don't follow the rules very well, do I?) Finally, I wish for a way to get to heaven without dying, first.

1thatgotaway's Avatar
1. Huge pile of Money

2. unlimited supply of Rainbow/Unicorn cupcakes!

3. a healty crop on my turnip farm every year.
gman44's Avatar
but if I had a time machine I'd let others use it

Guest100610-3's Avatar
#1. strive to be a better man every day of my life.

#2 ask that every one on earth show charity to at least one person a week.

#3. To never forget to be there for my friends, especially the ones that mean the most to me and need my friendship the most.