Incall details that make you want to come back

aRandyOne's Avatar
Another thread listed several incall details that we all hate to see. What about those small details that make you really want to come back to see that provider again and again?

Right off the top of my head I can relate a few things about an incall that really impressed me:
  • The incall was in a gated, multi-family apartment complex that actually had a gate that worked at keeping people from drifting in and out.
  • The apartment had nice upscale landscaping and looked clean. No crack baggies in the flower beds.
  • When I entered the apartment, it was already lit up with a couple of hundred candles and tea lights. The lamps were dimmed and/or covered with a drapery shade.
  • Since my appointment was an early morning appointment, I was offered a killer bloody mary. Nice touch.
  • The bedroom "supplies" were all kept handy in a nightstand drawer close at hand and a quick glimpse into the drawer showed that they were laid out as if for a military inspection rather than just being tossed in haphazardly. Small point, but it spoke to me that this session was pre-planned and anticipated.
  • A clean, small and empty trash can with a liner was placed at a handy position by the bed to receive used covers and wrappers. I feel confident that if there was another appointment that day, the can would have been emptied and the liner replaced.
  • The bathroom was spotless and looked like a hotel maid had just laid out all the toiletries for a "guest". I know that the provider lived in her incall location, but she kept all of her female accoutrements out of sight.
If you'd like the name of this particular lady, please PM me. If she gives me permission to post her name here, I'll do so in a follow up comment. Because of her attention to detail, I'll see her again and again as my budget allows.

Well, that should start some discussion. Guys, what do you like to see? Ladies, what do you like to do to your environment to welcome a gentleman?
Bushaholic's Avatar
A few months ago I had an incall appointment, that like the one you've described, was in a nice gated multi-family community, had great landscaping, the provider lived there, her furnishings and decor were impressive, and she kept everything organized and clean.

If I were to consider seeing a provider a second time, based solely on her "incall details", she would rank at the top of my list.

However I'm more of a hit-and-run type of hobbyist, rarely seeing a provider a 2nd time, unless she has the following: BCD skillz that put most girls to shame, incredible looks, combined with her ability to create an almost addictive illusion of passion.
travelling_man's Avatar
I'm much more likely to find details about an incall that keep me away rather than keep me coming back. As long as the incall doesn't detract from a visit it's the girl that keeps me coming back. Years ago I saw a particular $300+ provider that kept an incall that looked like an art museum it was so meticulous and perfectly kept up. It had every detail possible that you could think of including one of those plush robes outside the shower like you'd find in a 4 star hotel, s supply of new toothbrushes in case you needed one, and the supplies laid out with ample selection like it was a display at Condom Sense. This was not where she lived by the way.

That was actually a turn-off. It made me think that part of her outrageous fee was for the cost of the incall and the hours it took to set it up. I'd rather have paid $100 less and seen her in a decent, but far less extravagent place.
Bushaholic's Avatar
...Years ago I saw a particular $300+ provider that kept an incall that looked like an art museum it was so meticulous and perfectly kept up...This was not where she lived by the way...It made me think that part of her outrageous fee was for the cost of the incall and the hours it took to set it up. I'd rather have paid $100 less and seen her in a decent, but far less extravagent place. Originally Posted by travelling_man
When I first read this post I had the same thoughts you stated above about a certain provider I saw a few years back. Hmm, I wonder how many $300+ providers from a few years ago might fit what you've described?