texassapper's Avatar
Beijing Biden is doing a bang up job... LOL. Black unemployment on the rise... heh... Getting the government they deserve GOOD AND FCUKING HARD...

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Great president, or greatest president?
  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2021, 11:25 AM
I saw part of Biden's speech. He was bragging about how we've had seven straight months of increasing employment under his leadership. Well, yeah, what do you expect, coming out of possibly the deepest, short-lived recession ever and with $5 trillion or so of stimulus spending. It was reminiscent of Obama's claims during his first year in office.
  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2021, 11:50 AM
Great president, or greatest president? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
We don't have those anymore. The last great one was Reagan. The last good one was Clinton in his second term. And every one since then has sucked.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jello an chief got this LOL ,,, Dark winter coming ,,I wonder when Jen Jens is gonna stop taking questions
They be running outa lies
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Reducing jobs is part of the war against white supremacists. Biden is doing a good job.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wrong its the war against everyone, Other then the rich elites, and the ruling classes
GaGambler's Avatar
We don't have those anymore. The last great one was Reagan. The last good one was Clinton in his second term. And every one since then has sucked. Originally Posted by Tiny
Damn, we agree again.

For the record, Bill Clinton in his second term was the last Democrat I voted for. If he could have run again, instead of his cunt wife I most definitely would have voted for him in '08, and I "might" have voted for him in '16

Reagan of course was BY FAR the best POTUS in my lifetime, Clinton was second best, but MILES behind Reagan. I give Clinton props for pretty much "not fucking anything up" especially the economy, which he didn't create, but I give him huge props for resisting the urge to fuck with an economy that was doing just fine on it's own. Does anyone think someone like Obama, Biden, the Hildabeast, Gore or Kerry could have overseen a booming economy like we had in the dotcom boom without fucking it all up???
  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2021, 01:01 PM
Damn, we agree again.

For the record, Bill Clinton in his second term was the last Democrat I voted for. If he could have run again, instead of his cunt wife I most definitely would have voted for him in '08, and I "might" have voted for him in '16

Reagan of course was BY FAR the best POTUS in my lifetime, Clinton was second best, but MILES behind Reagan. I give Clinton props for pretty much "not fucking anything up" especially the economy, which he didn't create, but I give him huge props for resisting the urge to fuck with an economy that was doing just fine on it's own. Does anyone think someone like Obama, Biden, the Hildabeast, Gore or Kerry could have overseen a booming economy like we had in the dotcom boom without fucking it all up??? Originally Posted by GaGambler
You can give at least half of the credit for Clinton's performance in his second term to Newt Gingrich and other Congressional and Senate Republicans. Together they balanced the budget and lowered the capital gains tax.

Getting a little off topic, those aren't mutually exclusive. The Congressional Budget Office has historically assumed a cap gains rate of 28% would maximize government revenues. You raise it higher and people just hang onto assets and never sell, so they don't have to pay the tax, which is bad for the taxpayer, bad for the government, and bad for the economy. A lose-lose-lose proposition. Biden wants to jack the federal rate up to 43.4%, which would be 56.7% in California with their state income tax.

You can credit Clinton for not starting any wars too.
GaGambler's Avatar
You can give at least half of the credit for Clinton's performance in his second term to Newt Gingrich and other Congressional and Senate Republicans. Together they balanced the budget and lowered the capital gains tax.

Getting a little off topic, those aren't mutually exclusive. The Congressional Budget Office has historically assumed a cap gains rate of 28% would maximize government revenues. You raise it higher and people just hang onto assets and never sell, so they don't have to pay the tax, which is bad for the taxpayer, bad for the government, and bad for the economy. A lose-lose-lose proposition. Biden wants to jack the federal rate up to 43.4%, which would be 56.7% in California with their state income tax.

You can credit Clinton for not starting any wars too. Originally Posted by Tiny
I completely agree about Newt et al getting to share the credit with "Bubba" lol

As for Long Term Cap Gains rates, personally I think 20% or at the very most the 23.8% (including the Obamacare tax) we are at currently is more than high enough. 43.4% is suicidal for our economy and I honestly don't see it happening unless and until the country has swung so far left as to have elected a Bernie Sanders/AOC ticket to the White House and we aren't there quite yet lol

Back to Clinton, the worst thing that did happen under his watch and just one of the many reasons I despise Andrew Cuomo was the fact that the housing crisis was directly caused by his policy of "affirmative action" for housing. Yes, George Bush didn't do anything to stop it so he bears some of the responsibility too, but there is no doubt to any objective observation of the facts that the housing crisis and later melt down started under Clinton with Andrew Cuomo being the chief architect of the crisis.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
We don't have those anymore. The last great one was Reagan. The last good one was Clinton in his second term. And every one since then has sucked. Originally Posted by Tiny
You suck Chiquito, if you think Reagan was a great president. Maybe, MAAAY . . . be on an economic level. Never . . . I SAY NEVER, on a social impact level.

VitaMan's Avatar
The economy is bad......blame it on Joe.
Your car won't start.....blame it on Joe.
Can't get a date...blame it on Joe.
You suck Chiquito, if you think Reagan was a great president. Maybe, MAAAY . . . be on an economic level. Never . . . I SAY NEVER, on a social impact level.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
He said in his lifetime...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The economy is bad......blame it on Joe.
Your car won't start.....blame it on Joe.
Can't get a date...blame it on Joe. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Says the dude constantly posting anti Trump threads.
  • Tiny
  • 09-03-2021, 08:51 PM
You suck Chiquito, if you think Reagan was a great president. Maybe, MAAAY . . . be on an economic level. Never . . . I SAY NEVER, on a social impact level. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Please reply tomorrow -- why do you think that? What social impact did he have? Honestly that was a long time ago and I wasn't as politically conscious as I am now, so I'm partly asking out of curiosity. But I don't remember anything negative with respect to what he actually did re: social issues. Or at least anything more negative than other politicians.

He's a hero in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. There are streets named after him. He ended the cold war without a shot being fired.