Diner that posted sign saying it doesn't want bitten supports...SELLS OUT OF FOOD!!

I wish diners in my area would put up a sign like her's...I would ear there!! People from AROUND the world contacted her and offered to buy meals for veterans, she says ‘I think that the veterans will be fed for the rest of the year at the rate I’m getting donations.’

Diner That Posted Sign Saying It Doesn't Want Biden Supporters Gets Surprise Reaction
By Nick Arama | Sep 04, 2021 11:30 AM ET

Joe Biden’s failed actions in Afghanistan led to the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghans, even more Americans and Afghan allies left behind behind enemy lines, and the country turned over to the control of terrorists.

That was enough for Florida restaurant owner Angie Ugarte, according to the Daily Mail.

Ugarte put up a sign on her DeBary Diner, saying that those who “voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan” should take their “business elsewhere.”

Ugarte said she served a lot of veterans in her diner, so this felt very personal to her. “I was just angry. I was just let down. I felt like one of those mothers, or wives, or sisters who were gonna get that knock on the door,” she explained to Orlando TV station WRBW.

So, what do you think the result of the sign was?

After the story was covered by a lot of media, Ugarte actually was forced to temporarily close her diner.

Not because of anger. But because she had such a crush of diners, she ran out of food. There was also a windfall of orders from people all over the world — offering to buy meals for veterans.

From Daily Mail:

‘I’ve gotten so many people calling me from all over the world, from Europe, trying to purchase meals for veterans, which I still haven’t been able to organize,’ said Angie Ugarte, who posted the sign in the window of the DeBary Diner in the central Florida city of DeBary.

‘I think that the veterans will be fed for the rest of the year at the rate I’m getting donations.’

Now, that’s pretty amazing, and how wonderful that so many responded that way to help veterans.

People came from all over the state to the diner.

Supporters of Ugarte and her message came from across Florida to pose with the sign, including one woman who brought a Trump 2020 banner and refused to give her name to the News-Journal. “Hallelujah!” one woman shouted upon hearing that the business was closed due to overwhelming popularity.

“We wanted to come over here and thank you personally,” Vietnam Veterans of America Florida State Council member Rod Phillips said, taking Ugarte’s hand as the pair stood in front of the diner, which is located in strip-mall. He then explained that “I respect the presidency of the United States, but this could have been handled much better, much better.”

Phillips added, “Being a Vietnam veteran and combat-wounded, I don’t wish war on anybody. But there is a proper time and place to get out of there.”

Phillips said, “One American is too many to be left behind enemy lines.”

Ugarte also said she intends to keep the sign up until every American left behind is out of Afghanistan.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Capitalizing on the death of our service members. She did it for the money and attention. Speaks volumes.