On Second Thought . . . I Think I Like You

This is interesting to me.
Many times we (the clientele), look over the many diverse provider showcases and decide who we may want to see/contact, often times based on if we think we are attracted (or aroused) by them physically.

Conversely, we also decide who we are not attracted to or may not be interested in seeing for that reason or another -
although they may be quite attractive. You can find a person attractive, yet not be attracted to that person. Nevertheless, I've noticed something about myself and I wonder if it happens to any of you reading this.

Although I may not have initially desired to contact a certain provider, I have become "sexually curious" about her after reading her thread/posts/comments - and discover that I thoroughly enjoy the way her mind works either intellectually - or simply by her raw wit, sense of humor, or all the above. Then suddenly - I find myself wanting very much to pay that provider a visit.

Is this normal? To be turned on strictly by an individuals character or personality and not by visually objectifying them in lurid fantasies? I mean every time I read one of LisaLisa's posts - I get all warm and fuzzy inside and say, "Dayum! Who is this woman?!" Now I'm ready to knock down her door and write bad checks. VERY BAD CHECKS! Lol!

It's good to know that simple human interaction is still alive and well . . . and arousing.
Aww....that was sweet. (Blushing away)

Well I do enjoy reading the ladies post as well, which makes me ask them out for a drink. I love reading Tracibrooks posts.
Moi? Awww. I think I love you, Lisa! You can come over for a bottle of wine and a bitch session any time you want!

Oh, and I must agree with OP, Lisa, you are a very smart cookie.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Avery Blake comes to mind...I enjoy reading her posts.

When it comes to flirtation both Alyssa Nicole and Paulina Linda have playful personalities. I find myself gravitating to the ladies who are like them. I guess the fact that they are extreme hotties doesn't hurt!
awwwww Poppy thats sweeeeeeeeeeeeet lol
Ok. Now I'm officially changing the title of this thread to - "I luv lisa.lisa0302" - (Luv your avatar too).
billw1032's Avatar
This is interesting to me.
Many times we (the clientele), look over the many diverse provider showcases and decide who we may want to see/contact, often times based on if we think we are attracted (or aroused) by them physically.

Conversely, we also decide who we are not attracted to or may not be interested in seeing for that reason or another -
although they may be quite attractive. You can find a person attractive, yet not be attracted to that person. Nevertheless, I've noticed something about myself and I wonder if it happens to any of you reading this.

Although I may not have initially desired to contact a certain provider, I have become "sexually curious" about her after reading her thread/posts/comments - and discover that I thoroughly enjoy the way her mind works either intellectually - or simply by her raw wit, sense of humor, or all the above. Then suddenly - I find myself wanting very much to pay that provider a visit.

Is this normal? To be turned on strictly by an individuals character or personality and not by visually objectifying them in lurid fantasies? I mean every time I read one of LisaLisa's posts - I get all warm and fuzzy inside and say, "Dayum! Who is this woman?!" Now I'm ready to knock down her door and write bad checks. VERY BAD CHECKS! Lol!

It's good to know that simple human interaction is still alive and well . . . and arousing.
Originally Posted by Reeltalk
Absolutely! Nothing gets my attention more quickly than an interesting, thoughtful, intelligent, articulately-worded post or thread.
gtcruiser's Avatar
I have to agree with the OP. I also think that her comments are great!! Witty, funny and sometimes insightful, this is how I think of her. And besides all of that I always wonder if her waist to hips proportion is how it looks in her pictures!!!!! Lisa you are great and like the OP, I am most intrigued by you.

onehitwonder's Avatar
Oh sure! Happens to me ALL THE TIME. THEY say things like " who IS that smart, funny, articulate, sassy, witty, ............overweight, bald-headed,one-eyed,one legged goddess! MEH......." It gets old after a while. ... : )

My Favorite provider poster

1. Tracibrooks
2.Kelly TNT

There are more, but they are not really active here anymore

These ladies post thought provoking threads, rarely if ever drama threads, and I can read their threads one time and understand what they are talking about. And usaully they are saying something that makes me think or chuckle.
TheWanderer's Avatar
I have taken notice of the same element of wit, charm and humor in the aforementioned ladies. Not to mention that their showcases are hot as hell as well.
I look forward to meeting them very soon.
pmdelites's Avatar
it happens a lot. it's called "mind seduction" - appeal to or attract a person by making some attractive, interesting, thoughtful, and even down-right horny postings!!! not much better than a woman like that who's sexy at the same time!

and "mind repel" happens too - repel or turn off a person by making some shitty, uninformed, bitchy, stupid, inane, vindictive, clueless and even down-right obnoxious postings.

i wont even give examples of either type - the former cos it would take up a page or so. the latter cos it'd be hobbying suicide.
Thank you, LL! I'm an admirer of your posts, as well...and the OP gets cool points for posting this much deserved recognition of Miss Lisa

Another lady I'd like to add, is Infamous BJ. Love her!! I have always been a fan of her posting style and wit. Getting to play with her was probably the most fun I've had in the hobby, and it started with her personality and turned into an all-out girl crush.
oldmarine's Avatar
I can think of a provider, who shall remain nameless, that I probably would not call if it were based on physical attraction alone. However, after a brief encounter in a non-BCD setting I was ready to jump her because of her demeanor, personality and attitude. I haven't made a date yet but she is on my list.
The Proper Stranger's Avatar
Yep, happens to me all the time. Unfortunately most turn out to be not physically attractive to me, making me wish my libido was a bit more open minded. Had a couple go the other way and turn me down (damn my youth).

When the mental and physical attraction coincide, I find those tend to be some of the best experiences I've ever had. These days I don't have much in the way of free time, so my primary way of finding a provider lately (aside from the occasional "I'm horny, time to skim the ads") has been to enjoy someone's writing, then check out who's behind the handle.