Stalker vibe…

MJewel's Avatar
Sometimes just through text exchange I can sense the stalker vibe. Anyone else male/female have Stalker radar? It’s essential
MJewel's Avatar
Btw nobody that posts on eccie has given this vibe. Please don’t think that.
tuckahoe's Avatar
Not necessarily about stalkers, but I have seen a lot of women whose choices are backwards. They will shun good men, but follow their abusive guy around like a puppy. I have seen too many times with my own eyes women with bruised faces following their 'man'. I can't understand why they are so attracted to them. If one leaves that guy, the next day another will be hanging on his arm.

I heard woman being beaten at Boy's Town in Nuevo Laredo. No one would interfere, and if an American interfered, you would be locked in a Mexican jail. Afterwards, she was seen clinging to him as they left.

Body language can also be misread. A speaker thought the entire audience was shutting him out, when he noticed nearly all of them had their arms crossed. He later realized the chairs had no armrests, so there were limited ways his audience could place their arms. Most of them were actually interested in what he had to say.
DallasRain's Avatar
Welll I do have a 20 yr old that keeps texting me and begging me to see him

He is a pesky lil boy..texting me every day for last two weeks

I guess I should learn how to block people
MJewel's Avatar
Me too, when they go on and on how beautiful a whole book several times it gets creepy.
MJewel's Avatar
I certainly don’t shun good men. I prefer being single and woukd never put up with an abusive friend/ boyfriend. I’m simply referring to an email. Where the potential client went on and and on about how beautiful I was. Then was telling me all about his personal life. I had simply requested screening info to which he said was blank. Not true. He kept talking to me like he worshipped me. In my opinion I didn’t wanna meet someone who views me that way. It’s supposed to be business screen book have a nice time. He was taking it too far.
MJewel's Avatar
Not necessarily about stalkers, but I have seen a lot of women whose choices are backwards. They will shun good men, but follow their abusive guy around like a puppy. I have seen too many times with my own eyes women with bruised faces following their 'man'. I can't understand why they are so attracted to them. If one leaves that guy, the next day another will be hanging on his arm.

I heard woman being beaten at Boy's Town in Nuevo Laredo. No one would interfere, and if an American interfered, you would be locked in a Mexican jail. Afterwards, she was seen clinging to him as they left.

Body language can also be misread. A speaker thought the entire audience was shutting him out, when he noticed nearly all of them had their arms crossed. He later realized the chairs had no armrests, so there were limited ways his audience could place their arms. Most of them were actually interested in what he had to say. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
I agree with you. Why would anyone stay in that. Only women with extremely low self esteem….