Damn business must just be fantastic for all you ladies.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
I had recently hijacked a thread regarding the level of crap the guys have been working on lately. I"m posting this to say directly to the men, that in some very clear ways I totally feel for you and understand why you are the way you are.

One of my very best friends I've ever made in the hobby has been trying to see a provider, any provider, for the last 6 months. Every single one (except for Dharma, who was more than awesome with him) has stood him up. I've just been extremely confused at how many "why's it so slow threads in the past" when dozens of providers just blow off their clients (and the money they would have made.) Even girls that have come on the board and cried about no business have canceled or no-showed him. I'm lost. Why? (I'm using this one as an example because I have first hand knowledge of it, btw)

I'm really starting to feel for you guys even more than I did before. By about the 5th noshow I would have given up completely and become bitter, but not my friend. He just keeps trying, and has new hope for each one he tries. (and before you ask, there are no alerts on this guy.)

Is this what has been happening to all you guys? Is plan M the norm around here? Lord have mercy, I'm starting to really appreciate why so many guys have turned into assholes.

Not to give permission to be so, but no wonder. Ladies, have you considered that the men are not alone in the asshole department? It's a never ending vicious cycle. Someone has to break it.

Remember that every single working stiff on the planet goes to work and does stuff they don't like for people they hate. That's just the way it is. You all get to luck out and choose your own hours and work for yourself and pick your clients, but you have GOT to take care of the clients you pick. A human can only be burned so many times before they get bitter and start treating every one around them badly.

(Please note that I'm not talking about any provider that puts her nose to the grind stone. This is purely directed at the flakes. (who usually don't post in discussions.)

So guys, ya you've been a little sideways lately but damn I don't blame some of you. I wasn't even the one stood up 12 times and I'm pissed at lost time. Geez.
I tried to make an appointment for my day free last week. Called four different providers hoping to set something up. #1, mailbox was full, scratched that one. #2 & #3, left messages, they never returned my call. #4, finally able to set something up but, being desperate I ignored the red flags and thru my own fault for not bailing out, I had a lousy session chock full of upsell and poor service.

For the foreseeable future my gold dick will stay in my gold wallet.

I'm glad everyone is doing that well that they can conduct business in this manner.
CoHorn's Avatar
Kayla, I was an asshole long before this trend started

I have tried scheduling with a couple ladies in the recent past and have had some issues scheduling. I haven't been as burned as your friend, but I understand.
TheWanderer's Avatar

You are dead-on....I've had 3 NCNS's this summer and many more cancellations...some last minute.
Guess the newby providers don't know how to work the program or they are at the edge of the pool sticking their toe in.
Or....scam artists... realizing they are dealing with a pro and get intimidated.
Kinda bizarre.
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  • 08-18-2010, 06:39 PM
Interesting thread. Thanks Kayla!
pyramider's Avatar
Its the heat. The providers in question did not want to get sweaty.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
tell him to call me i will do him right
Judge Smails's Avatar
Hmm, so far this summer I have been lucky in terms of returned calls/ emails/ PM's but again, it may just be luck or picking? I have went through bad no response phases but just keep burning up the keyboard.

Prescreening still seems to help me.... in other words, get that necessary stuff out of the way and that seems to help the last minute appt urge.

Or, if all else fails, hit ampville....
climbon2's Avatar
Well Kayla, it's refreshing to see this post from a provider.

I've been a hobbyist for two and a half years now. I only see top rated, highly reviewed ladies. (Kayla and Ze were my second hobby adventure!) I have a dozen OK's on 411 - all from recognizable providers, so getting screened is not a problem.

In the last 12 months I have averaged 2-3 last minute cancellations (to me, less than 2-3 hours) for every successful rendezvous.

AT LEAST a half day is set aside every time I schedule an appointment! You've got to set up the alibi, shower, shave, and the drive time to and from.

I'm running low on excuses, and they are being wasted on cancellations! It can be tricky trying to explain why I need to shower and shave before going on a "bike ride" or "playing golf" with my buddies, so this has become harder than I realized early on.

It's very frustrating, and even my ATFs, (all 30 plus years old, and I've never seen a negative review on them) are guilty!

I know shit happens sometimes, but I sure as hell would not still be in business if I were that unreliable.

OK, rant over.
Eklutna's Avatar
I guess I must be lucky. I have never had a cancellation, and I have only had one reschedule (Aunt Flo arrived early). [My fingers are now crossed!]
Long response deleted.* Kayla, tell him he's welcome any time he wants. I have said it for years, clients book with the person they can talk to. That means pick up the phone. If you're in session, call back. I hear the same complaints about unanswered appointment requests sent from P411. I guess this is one of the reasons why you and I are not only still in business but have no trouble booking appointments.

I hear the complaints about it being slow but I haven't seen that. I talked to Ebony Angel the other day and she's booked solid too. VNurse, solid. Several other providers are booked solid so I know the business is there. And this is a business. I believe you get out of it exactly what you put into it.

I don't blame these guys for becoming slightly dick-like but I rub that out of them pretty quick
Maybe they are waiting on that perfect movie star dude to call, well that is a long wait.

I would like to give a special shout to the ladies Plan A who flaked! because your clients called me........A very special thank to you.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sometimes booking a session is harder than getting a tow in a small town on a cold Sunday night. Send a pm. No response. Send more pms. No response...in spades. Two days later. 'Oh, I'm sorry we missed, etc, etc...blah, blah, blah.

Ok, fine. I'll call. No answer. Call another, full mail box. Call another, straight to voicemail. Call another, number no longer in service.

Guess I gotta go to BP. After what feels like hours of weeding through fakes, phonies, B&S, C&D, and all other forms of deception, Plan O picks up. Odds of a good, successful session is about 30% at this point. It usually ends up being lackluster. Afterwards, you're pissed not only at blowing money on a bad session (which could be bad for all the typical reasons), but you're pissed at all the ladies you called that didn't pick up or answer pm/emails. You're pissed at YOURSELF for ignoring any flags that may have flashed as you went into the bad session.

After a couple or 3 hours or so of wasting time and money, you come back to the board to see a bunch of new ads. Funny thing is these are (usually) from ladies that you wouldn't mind seeing, yet they weren't on that immediate list you had going into that days' action.

It can be quite frustrating at times.