The hereditary seat of Nancy Pelosi...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
is looking to be taken by her daughter Christine. Yeah, more of that "white privilege" at work there. I suppose she could try to disguise her pedigree by using her husband's name (Kaufman) like Nancy D'Alessandro did years ago. Of course, Nancy was trying to distance herself from her family's legal problems back in Baltimore.
... No worrys there, mate... IF it happens, it happens.
It's the American way!

... Look at Biden's son - and all those China deals while
Biden was VP. ... As one o' the mates here, mighta been Oeb
- "what's good for the goose is good for the duck."

... Rumours are that one o' Trump's sons is gettin' put on
to head the regulations of Switzerland Banks.

While the other son will be regulating Cayman Islands bank accountes.

What better way to keep track of WHERE the Democrats money is.

### Salty
rexdutchman's Avatar
Unity for the master elites ,25 million house in Jupiter FL ,Hmm Go Nancy's